Since the launch of the PS5, Insomniac has kept quite busy, and gamers have been provided with several new titles. The studio is showing no signs of slowing down, and gamers can also expect a Wolverine game after Spider-Man 2. It is a title worth getting excited about because, through games like Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Insomniac has shown that it is capable of properly harnessing the PS5's power to provide current-gen gaming experiences.

There is still a lot of mystery surrounding Insomniac's Wolverine game, and not many details have been confirmed aside from the fact that it will be a PS5 exclusive. Like Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, the upcoming game could be another chance for Insomniac to show how current-gen technology can be creatively used. This is sorely needed, as there are very few titles that have managed to do it.

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Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is One of the Few Truly Current-Gen Games

ratchet and clank rift apart rivet

Before the launch of the current generation of consoles, gamers were promised new experiences brought courtesy of technology such as the SSD which replaced the old, slower HDD, as well as controller features such as adaptive triggers to increase immersion. Gamers have had a few years to get familiar with the consoles, and developers have had that time to wow gamers. There have been some games, such as Returnal, that truly feel current-gen, but listing further examples is difficult. Surprisingly, a title that continues to stand out is one that was released early on in the current-gen - Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart.

While most games use the SSD of the current-gen consoles to slash loading times, Rift Apart takes things a step further by designing its gameplay around the ability to rapidly load in new environments. Players gain access to the Rift Tether, which is a gadget that opens interdimensional portals that Ratchet can leap through, instantly taking him to a different region of the map. The Rift Tether can be used at any time, providing unique gameplay opportunities that would have been impossible on prior consoles.

With Rift Apart, Insomniac demonstrates that it has already gained an intimate knowledge of the PS5's hardware, and it is capable of getting the most out of it. This should give gamers a good reason to get excited about the studio's upcoming PS5 exclusives. These include Spider-Man 2, which will see Miles Morales return. Insomniac also has a Wolverine game on the way, and it could give the studio another opportunity to show off the PS5's hardware.

Insomniac's Wolverine Is On the Way.

CGI Trailer

After the popularity of the Spider-Man games, Insomniac has been trusted with another Marvel IP. This time around, the developers will be tackling Wolverine, the brooding clawed superhero that X-Men. There has been much speculation surrounding what Insomniac will do with the IP, as gamers only have a brief trailer at present. Considering that Wolverine's main weapon is his sharp claws, there is also the possibility that gamers are in for quite a gruesome experience.

Insomniac has confirmed that it will be a PS5 exclusive. This gives it the chance to take full advantage of the console's hardware, much like Rift Apart does. The game can do this in minor ways, such as by eliminating the narrow passageways and crawlspaces that were used to hide the loading screens of last-gen games. It can also be done in major ways, but it all depends on which direction the Wolverine game's gameplay goes. Thus far, it hasn't been revealed whether it will be an open-world game or a linear experience. Either way, with a little creativity, Insomniac can use Wolverine to once again provide a truly current-gen experience.

Wolverine is an interesting character for Insomniac to choose to work with. Unlike Peter Parker who always has sarcastic quips, Wolverine is a loner with a short temper and the capacity for heinous violence. The upcoming game could test the studio in new ways, and gamers could in be in for a game that takes a different tone from titles like Rift Apart and Spider-Man.

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart is available now on PC.

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