Warning: Spoilers ahead for Marvel’s Wolverine.Unfortunately for Insomniac Games, the world has now seen plenty of early footage from Marvel’s Wolverine, with other aspects of the game like plot details and its cast spoiled. Though Insomniac has released a statement about the leaks that states how the game will continue to evolve, as will its planned slate of video games, it can be assumed that most of the big things unveiled by the leak will remain in place until release. Alongside fast and brutal combat, interesting traversal like climbing and running, and numerous villains from the comics, players will be able to play as someone other than Logan in the game.

When thinking about another playable character for Marvel’s Wolverine, a few options may naturally come to mind. Another character that stems from Logan himself would be an initial guess for many, such as his adopted daughter X-23 or his son Daken. However, as indicated by leaked footage for the game, none other than Jean Grey will be a playable character in Marvel’s Wolverine. Possibly meant to be a one-off, surprise combat segment like Venom was in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it is a shame that Insomniac Games has had this sequence ruined. As surprising as it may be to have a playable Jean, though, it actually makes plenty of sense when fans stop to think about it.

Wolverine's Leaked Gameplay Should Take Inspiration from Another PlayStation Game

From the leaked gameplay of Insomniac's upcoming Wolverine game, it's clear one combat aspect needs to draw inspiration from a past PlayStation title.

Why a Playable Jean Grey Makes So Much Sense in Marvel’s Wolverine

Jean Grey Marvel Future Fight

Jean Grey and Logan Have Always Been Tied Closely Together

Whether it is in the Marvel comics or FOX’s hit-and-miss X-Men film franchise, Logan and Jean have always been tied together. From the love triangle between Jean, Cyclops, and Wolverine to Logan deeply missing her after she has died, mentions of Jean are likely to follow whenever the character is focused on for long periods of time. With Jean being such a vital part of Logan’s history as a character, having her involved within the game in some capacity makes sense, as she could be a key part of the supporting cast. Regardless of whether she is a romantic interest for the claw-wielding character, or serves another important purpose, she makes for a natural addition to the game.

Currently, it is unclear if Jean will be just another cast member with one playable sequence or a full second protagonist like Miles Morales in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 , though the former is likely given the game’s title. While one Jean Grey gameplay segment would be thrilling, too many could see players feeling like she has stolen Logan’s own game from him.

Jean Grey’s Role Can Help Set The Stage For Insomniac’s X-Men

Instead of just positioning her as a love interest, Jean Grey’s role could serve another purpose of getting Logan into the X-Men and setting up Insomniac’s big 2030 project. Considering PlayStation’s X-Men exclusivity and Insomniac’s ambitious plans for the franchise, Jean Grey seems like a stepping stone toward that project in a few ways. First, from a narrative perspective, she could coax Logan away from pointless bar fights and clashes with villains like Sabretooth, encouraging him to be less of a loner and asking him to teach students at Xavier’s school. After trying to convince him throughout the game, Logan could eventually agree, with the post-credits screen giving a look at the campus.

Secondly, Jean Grey will undoubtedly be a learning experience for Insomniac Games when designing ranged superhero characters. While it had plenty of experience to pull from for Logan thanks to its work with Spider-Man, a character like Jean that is firing energy blasts and floating with telekinesis is a different beast entirely. Considering how diverse the X-Men roster is likely to be in Insomniac’s project, it can be assumed that there will be a mix of ranged fighters like Cyclops and close quarters experts like Colossus. Jean Grey, then, will be necessary practice for Insomniac. Not only will it have a second important Mutant’s gameplay style crafted before X-Men even releases, but it will have a handle on how to make ranged Mutants satisfying to control. The existence of an X-Men game as well as a history of surprise playable characters in Marvel’s Spider-Man means that a playable Jean Grey in Marvel's Wolverine is not as shocking as one would think.