In September 2021 Insomniac Games surprised its fans by announcing the development of Marvel's Wolverine alongside the sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man. Wolverine is easily one of Marvel's most popular characters, so it's exciting to see Insomniac pick him up. But given Insomniac's workload with Spider-Man and Ratchet and Clank, some questioned where Marvel's Wolverine would fit in. It seems that fans may have worried unnecessarily, as a recent update from Insomniac indicates development is moving along swimmingly.

The update comes from Mike Yosh, a lead animator at Insomniac. Yosh made a post on Twitter on Thursday reading, "So peaceful and quiet, will not be like this for long." Attached to the message was an image of an empty motion capture recording studio. The lights in the room were all on, a stack of papers laid out in front of Yosh, and a cup of coffee sat waiting to be drunk. It's clear that Insomniac is preparing to start some serious motion capture work for Marvel's Wolverine.

RELATED: PlayStation Exclusive Wolverine Game Being Developed by Insomniac Games

The state of Marvel's Wolverine's development has been a topic of much curiosity since the game's announcement. Many fans of Insomniac's work worried that the game had been announced much too early and that it would be years yet before it arrived. That may still be the case, but the confirmation of motion capture recording moving forward does indicate that development may be further along than expected.

To be fair, it's entirely possible that Yosh's tweet isn't related to the development of Marvel's Wolverine. It could be for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, which is expected to launch earlier than Marvel's Wolverine. But it can likely be assumed that the post is about Marvel's Wolverine, as Yost has made clear that's the project that he's working on. With that said, without further confirmation this news should be considered a rumor.

What Yosh's message and photo do not do is make clear how far along Marvel's Wolverine is in development, nor does it help provide a timeframe for Marvel's Wolverine's release. Starting motion capture recording certainly makes clear the game is moving forward, but also that there's a lot of work to do yet.

It's unclear when Insomniac will share more information about Marvel's Wolverine. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will likely remain the company's focus through its launch, which is tentatively planned for 2023. As such, it may be a year before more information about Marvel's Wolverine is shared. X-Men fans will simply have to patiently wait, content that progress is being made.

Marvel's Wolverine is in development for PS5.

MORE: Marvel's Wolverine on PS5 Has One Strong Advantage Over Past Wolverine Games