Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for Marvel’s Wolverine.Ever since it was first revealed, Marvel’s Wolverine fans have been asking one question more than all others, and that is whether the game will have an M-rating. Unlike a character such as Peter Parker who perfectly suits a T for Teen label from the ESRB, Logan tends to be better when the gruesome effects of his berserker rage can be shown off in detail and mature stories can be told. Various comics as well as the R-rated Logan and PG-13 The Wolverine show this difference in quality, and many have been hoping that Insomniac Games will do what is best for the character. Fortunately, it seems like Marvel’s Wolverine will indeed be M-rated.

Though various reports have suggested that the game will be M-rated in the past, and a “mature tone” has been mentioned by Insomniac, many fans have not wanted to get their hopes up. After all, T-rated games instantly open themselves up to more sales because parents are less likely to stop their children from playing them, and beyond that, Logan has appeared in his share of T-rated games that range from the Ultimate Alliance series to Fortnite. With fans now having concrete evidence of the game’s violence, though, an M-rating seems very likely so long as things do not change during development.

Why Marvel’s Wolverine’s Biggest Leak Just Makes Sense

The massive leaks for Marvel’s Wolverine ruin a huge surprise for the Mutant-focused title, and though unexpected, it makes perfect sense.

Why an M-Rating For Marvel’s Wolverine is Now a Near-Certainty

insomniac logo wolverine claws

Marvel’s Wolverine’s Leaked Gameplay is Brutal

While Sony or Marvel could push Insomniac Games to remove any blood and gore from Marvel’s Wolverine, that does not seem likely, as Insomniac is seemingly making it a core part of the gameplay. This is understandable, as the studio is dealing with a hero who has regeneration as his main ability and whose primary weapon is razor-sharp claws. Not being able to see the effect of Logan’s claws after every “snikt” could have the melee combat not feeling very weighty at all, with hits looking as if they do no damage to their targets. Additionally, unless Logan takes a serious beating, his impressive regeneration will never be on display. Fortunately, players will likely not encounter any of these problems.

Nearly 30 minutes of gameplay has appeared online for Marvel’s Wolverine as part of Insomniac Games’ devastating leak, and within it, Logan takes and dishes out some beatings. In terms of the brooding Mutant’s output, he can be seen driving both pairs of claws into enemies' stomachs as he lifts them up, stabbing them rapidly in the body, and driving his claws through the bottom of their neck or the top of their head. In terms of the damage Logan takes, one standout segment sees him stabbed by numerous Ninjas at the same time, with blood covering his plaid shirt as he tackles them out of a window. Even in unfinished cutscenes blood is depicted, such as a moment where Logan is stabbed in the arm, rips the blade out, and impales an enemy with it.

Marvel’s Wolverine seems to be handling its M-rating tastefully , as it seems to be primarily used for blood and violence. While there could certainly be some harsh language in the game, there will not be profanity for profanity’s sake, as Logan speaks just as one would expect him to.

Marvel’s Wolverine Proves Insomniac’s Marvel Universe Could Jump Between Age Ratings

Ultimately, Insomniac’s willingness to deliver an M-rating when it makes sense to do so is a great sign for its Marvel universe. Insomniac’s leaked game lineup confirms that a solo Venom project is in the works from the developer and will apparently release in 2025 before Marvel’s Wolverine. Hopefully, that game will also be M-rated since that would suit the Symbiote monster well. At the same time, there is no need for the upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 or Insomniac’s X-Men game to be M-rated, so the studio shifting back to a T-rating for those titles would be ideal. Just like with the MCU and Marvel comics, doing what is best for each character in terms of mature content is the right route to take, and based on Marvel’s Wolverine, it seems like Insomniac is very aware of that.