It currently feels like a fantastic time to be a fan of all things Marvel, as both Hollywood and the video game industry seem to be going all in on the brand. Not only are fans being treated to the MCU’s multiverse saga and shows like X-Men 97, but studios like Insomniac are also exploring this comic book universe through the likes of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Marvel’s Wolverine. That alone has been pretty exciting, but what makes it even better is the fact that many of these projects seem to be tying together more and more.

Thanks to the concept of the multiverse, Marvel has been tying most of its recent projects together into one cohesive web. Characters from the X-Men series have cropped up in the MCU, fans have gotten to see the return of other heroes like Black Bolt from Inhumans, and most recently, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse even added Marvel’s Spider-Man to the mix. And although Marvel’s Wolverine still has no release date in sight, it could also benefit from all these crossovers.

Marvel’s Wolverine is in the Same Boat as Insomniac’s Spider-Man, Venom

Insomniac's Marvel outings have worn unabashed inspirations on their sleeve and while Marvel's Wolverine likely will, too, it has a rare opportunity.

Insomniac’s Wolverine Has the Chance to Be More Than a Video Game Character

Spider-Man Got His Time to Shine Outside of Video Games

Over the years, Spider-Man has arguably become Marvel’s biggest hero, and one of the biggest superheroes in the world. Because of that, he has cropped up in dozens of projects, video games, and has even had three separate live-action franchises in the past 24 years. And now, almost all those projects seem to be coming together in the acclaimed Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse franchise.

Both Spider-Verse films have featured multiple variations of the titular character, with Across the Spider-Verse bringing together hundreds of different versions. These versions were not just reserved for comic book nods either, as even Insomniac’s Marvel’s Spider-Man made an appearance. It may have only been a brief cameo, but it spoke volumes of Sony and Marvel's appreciation for Insomniac's take on the character, so hopefully, even more crossovers like that are in store for the future.

Future MCU Films Could Be Wolverine’s Chance to do the Same

If Marvel’s Spider-Man can appear in a film, then there is seemingly no reason that the upcoming Marvel’s Wolverine version should be left out. Both are created by Insomniac, they are each Marvel characters, and the franchises they are connected to are both exploring the concept of the multiverse. So, it seems only natural that players will get to see this iteration of Logan outside the video game universe.

While it might come out before the game, Deadpool and Wolverine feels like the best place for Insomniac’s version to appear. The film is heavily rumored to include numerous variants of Wolverine, as both characters will be fighting their way through the multiverse. Viewers will likely be treated to comic book references, hilarious variants, and even iconic versions of the characters throughout this adventure. But the variants should not stop there, as it could also serve as a great way to showcase the upcoming video game.

Of course, Deadpool and Wolverine should be focused on telling a cohesive story and pushing the MCU’s larger arc along. That being said, Marvel’s Wolverine’s variant could still show up as a simple nod to what is to come. Even if he appears for just a second, it might be a fantastic way to hype players up for the game while also making Marvel’s multiverse even more connected in the process.

If Marvel’s Wolverine cannot show up in the upcoming Deadpool film, then maybe he could at least appear at some point in Avengers: Secret Wars. That film is supposed to be the climatic finale to the Multiverse Saga, which means that there will be countless variants fighting for their lives. So, it would make sense if Insomniac’s universe had to fight right alongside the MCU’s biggest heroes, and hopefully, that is exactly what happens.

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Marvel's Wolverine

Marvel's Wolverine is a third-person action game from Insomniac Games that is set in the same universe as the studio's Spider-Man titles.

Insomniac Games