Insomniac is hard at work on the finishing touches for its highly anticipated Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the sequel to the critically acclaimed original from 2018. Not content with simply delivering outstanding video games based on one Marvel property, the studio also confirmed Marvel's Wolverine during a PlayStation showcase in September 2021. Not much was shown in the announcement teaser, but just seeing Wolverine unsheathe his claws with the prospect of a talented team like Insomniac at the helm was enough to leave fans extremely excited.

Marvel's Wolverine is likely still a couple of years away, with Insomniac still having its hands full with the final stages of production on Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Story specifics haven't been confirmed either, but Wolverine's comic book history is extensive, with a ton of material for Insomniac to draw from. This includes locations, key events, and other significant characters from the Marvel universe that have become synonymous with Wolverine, including a certain merc with a mouth.

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Deadpool and Wolverine Are an Odd Action Couple

Ryan Reynolds Deadpool 3 Wolverine Hugh Jackman

When it comes to the most popular Marvel superheroes, Deadpool is arguably among the top of the pack in recent years. A large part of this is due to the two live-action films starring Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, which faithfully captured the sarcastic wit and exaggerated humor of the character. Now with Deadpool being integrated into the MCU with the upcoming Deadpool 3, his popularity could be elevated even higher after being able to interact with the other characters already established in that universe.

Ironically, Deadpool 3 will be a team-up movie, featuring both Deadpool and Wolverine together. This news came to a lot of hype from fans, largely because of the way these two characters interact and play off of each other in comic books. The two are such a great pairing because of how quippy and hyperactive Deadpool is, compared to the more reserved and gruff exterior of Wolverine. The contrast between the two leads to great opportunities for humor and other amusing character moments.

Using Deadpool Wisely in Marvel's Wolverine

Deadpool 3 Rob Delaney X-Force

As fun as it is, there is a fine line and balance to be achieved in order to make it all work. Marvel's Wolverine, as the title suggests, is a game that should first and foremost revolve around the feral mutant. It is his time to shine in a video game, and considering Wolverine's rivalries and brutal origins, the game will likely need to take on a much darker tone for most of its duration. This is not to suggest that some levity wouldn't be welcome, and Deadpool would be the perfect character for this, but his persona must be used carefully so as not to overshadow Wolverine.

Deadpool's entire personality is about being bigger and louder than anyone else in the room, hence the nickname often tossed on him being the 'merc with a mouth'. Insomniac already has a penchant for integrating humor into its games, as seen with the numerous colorful characters in the Ratchet and Clank franchise. To see the team's potential take on Deadpool would be interesting. If Marvel's Wolverine also ends up receiving an M-rating to fully capitalize on the potential of the character, Deadpool would help amplify the earning of that rating with a no holds barred adventure.

This is of course all speculation, as Insomniac and PlayStation have not provided a shred of story details regarding Marvel's Wolverine, let alone specific character cameos and appearances being included. Deadpool can go with Wolverine like bread and butter, and it's certain that Insomniac has at least recognized it while in the early development stages of Marvel's Wolverine. It remains to be seen if he shows up, but if he does, the team will need to tread carefully to not use Deadpool too much and steal the spotlight from the game's true star.

Marvel's Wolverine is currently in development for the PS5.

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