
  • The bosses in Spider-Man 2 are challenging and require players to utilize their acquired abilities and tools to overcome them. The graphics make these iconic villains visually impressive.
  • Each boss has unique characteristics and moves that make them difficult to defeat. Some bosses, like Lizard and Mr. Negative, require precise dodging and tactics to prevail.
  • The final boss fight against Venom is the most challenging encounter in the game, featuring a variety of moves and aerial attacks that make it almost impossible to get close to him.

While fans already expected that Venom and Kraven would be the big baddies of Spider-Man 2 from the trailers, Insomniac went above and beyond to fill the game with as many iconic villains as possible. Of course, the amazing graphics of the game mean that all of these characters look outstanding from a visual standpoint, but Peter and Miles can't just admire them from afar since they will have to jump into some pretty challenging fights with these bosses, which can range wildly in difficulty.

The 15 Best Video Game Villains of All Time, Ranked

The best video game villains leave a lasting impression on players and help to elevate the games in which they feature to all new heights.

Even with all the new tools given to both Spider-Men and the new combos that they can each utilize in combat, Insomniac still did a fantastic job at ensuring every boss can still pose a challenge to the player, though some are much harder to take down than others. Here are all the bosses in Spider-Man 2 who were the toughest to take down, along with a little info on what makes them so brutally difficult.

7 Lizard

Difficulty: Speed & Agility

Peter In Symbiote Suit Facing Down Lizard

Main Attacks:

  • Large unblockable Crush attack
  • Giant slash
  • Heavy tail sweep

Lizard, or Kurt Connors in his human form, has a few moves that can be a little difficult to avoid, but so long as players make use of the abilities they've acquired up to this point in the game, they will be able to overcome him eventually. After jumping out of the way of the lightning-fast slashes and tail attacks Lizard will throw out, Peter will need to pull out sections of the floor and wall to help open him up for a few free hits.

The Web-Shooter is essential for this as Lizard is one of the fastest bosses in the game, so being able to slow him down will give Spidey just enough time to interact with the environment. There are a few different ways players can go about tackling this fight, but it still poses a decent challenge nonetheless.

6 Mr. Negative

Difficulty: Summons Hordes of Clones

Mr. Negative on one knee

Main Attacks:

  • Large radius ground pound
  • Long-range piercing sword slash
  • Sword projectile slashes

Mr. Negative is a returning boss from the first game, but he's much more dangerous this time around than he was before. Negative starts in his regular form and will deploy some extremely quick attacks that can be pretty hard to dodge if the player isn't on their A-game the whole fight. Additionally, it's also difficult to stagger Negative when he's winding up moves such as his slam attack, so using a hit-and-run method is the best way to go.

Spider-Man 2: How To Beat Mister Negative

Miles Morales gets his revenge against Mister Negative in Spider-Man 2 through a boss fight in Kraven's arena.

The most challenging part comes towards the end when he tries to mess with Miles' head by creating multiple Spider-Man illusions and inserting his parents and Peter talking in the background. The amount of Spider-Man clones that show up in this section can be pretty overwhelming, so it can take a little bit of practice to overcome and will require some extremely precise dodging and parries.

5 Wraith

Difficulty: CQC

Wraith Using Her Chain To Wrap Up Peter

Main Attacks:

  • Long-range chain lunge attack
  • Throwing out a chain from the shadows

Wraith can be encountered during the I Knew You Had It In You side mission which is a quest filled with tons of information on the woman who was once Peter's friend and ally from the first game, Yuri. Wraith excels at close combat, meaning she will easily parry or outright ignore Peter's attacks, so getting creative is the best way to win here.

Mixing environmental weaponry with Peter's gadgets will help to slow her down and knock her away to set up a special move, but players will also need to keep an eye on her long-ranged lunges that can deal considerable damage. There is also a section where she attacks from a smokecloud which can be tricky to deal with, but she luckily won't deal too much damage. Admittedly, the Symbiote makes this fight much easier if the player has them, but it's still a good challenge that can help players grind out some EXP.

4 Kraven

Difficulty: Large Healthbar & Mixture of Attacks

Peter being choked out by Kraven

Main Attacks:

  • Unblockable ground slam
  • Electric mines
  • Haymaker combo
  • Flashbang

By the time Peter is finally able to face Kraven one-on-one, he's been taken over by the Symbiote which does give him a lot more strength but also warps his mind to make him a lot more ruthless and violent. Still, even with all this added power, Kraven is a real force to be reckoned with, and just like any experienced hunter, he has plenty of gadgets up his sleeve to help trap his prey.

Trying to pummel Kraven through button-mashing isn't going to work since he can take a long time to flinch, and he also has a devastating parry which he's not shy about using. The fight becomes especially challenging when the bell is introduced though which Kraven will use to stop Peter in his tracks. There is a fight a little later on between Venom and Kraven that is designed to be easy, but this first fight provides a real challenge that teaches everyone not to underestimate the legendary hunter.

3 Peter

Difficulty: Peter's Speed & Aggression

Miles charging up a punch to hit Peter with

Main Attacks:

  • Giant Symbiote arm swing
  • Explosive AOE burst
  • Web swing

Right after the encounter with Kraven, Miles finds Peter acting a lot more irrationally than usual, and soon realizes that he's going to need to fight him to try and remove the Symbiote's influence once and for all. The fight that ensues is very challenging, especially because players have just jumped off from Peter, who had some explosive Symbiote powers to play around with, and he's not afraid to use them all against Miles in this fight.

Because of how fast and fluid Peter's movements are, it can make a lot of his attacks very difficult to dodge, so the game does expect the player to have a good grasp of the parry mechanic by this point if they want any chance of surviving. He also has a tremendous amount of health, so while it can take a while to whittle him down, defeating Peter is still achievable if Miles uses everything at his disposal.

2 Scream

Difficulty: AOE Attacks

Scream hanging off a light-post

Main Attacks:

  • Massive hair spin
  • Hair command grab
  • Spear projectiles
  • Explosive scream

Probably the most surprising villain to make it into the game, but a very welcome addition to the cast, Scream is essentially a child of Venom who uses MJ as its host in Spider-Man 2. Scream's attacks are brutal since she's able to let out a flurry of giant AOE combos that can easily melt Peter's health bar if he isn't careful. This also means there's barely ever an opening to hit her since she will rarely ever react to being attacked. She also has plenty of projectiles which makes attacking from a distance a little risky too.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Every Villain In The Game, Ranked

Peter Parker and Miles Morales will go against a diverse cast of villains in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Here's how they rank up in terms of significance.

The best way to go about this fight is through using the environment, such as the metal poles and car alarm. All of this will leave Scream exposed for a few precious seconds to deal some serious damage, but trying to attack her when she's not stunned can be a tricky task.

1 Venom

Difficulty: Perilous Grabs & Move Variety

Venom wrapping the Symbiote around Peter's suit

Main Attacks:

  • Ground slam
  • Ground tentacles
  • Giant arm sweep
  • Symbiote clones

The final boss fight in a video game always has to be challenging, but Venom can feel almost impossible to take down at times, especially because of just how many moves he will throw out over the course of a fight. Venom will use massive ground pounds, command grabs, projectiles, and will even drop minions for Peter to deal with, and this is all only for when he's on the ground.

Once Venom takes to the skies, it can be extremely hard to get close to him, especially when he spits out so many projectiles. When it's Miles' turn to step up to the plate, even he feels like he's doing barely any damage to the Symbiote, who always has his guard up and can predict every move before it happens. This is a boss fight that's worthy of being the final challenge, and it's most definitely the hardest encounter out of either of the two games.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

October 20, 2023
Insomniac Games
Open-World , Action-Adventure