
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 introduces a variety of new villains, with Kraven killing several classic villains, setting the stakes high for the game.
  • Venom, embodied by Harry Osborn, becomes a major and heartbreaking antagonist in the game, amplifying the personal connection between Peter and the villain.
  • Villains such as Scream, The Flame, Sandman, and The Lizard have notable roles and character development in the game, adding depth to the overall story.

More so than the last two games, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is teaming with villains. Not all of them can be fought or interacted with, so this article will focus on the villains that have a more direct role in the game. This is already a spoiler, but Kraven kills several classic villains.

Spider-Man 2: How Long to Beat and Get the Platinum Trophy

Here's about how long it will take most people to beat Marvel's Spider-Man 2's main story and unlock the Platinum trophy.

Who he kills will not be spoiled here though. That means they aren’t coming back for the next game after Marvel's Spider-Man 2 unless someone clones them which could happen. Besides the dead ones, some villains set themselves up to play a bigger role in the sequel while others have reformed their ways.

WARNING! Major spoilers ahead for Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

8 Scream

Mary Jane Watson

Scream in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Scream is a small part of the game, but she is certainly a deadly opponent. There is a scene toward the end of the game wherein Harry, as Venom, uses his powers to turn MJ into another symbiotic creature. A boss battle will then ensue with multiple phases for Peter’s Spider-Man. Scream will hit hard with physical attacks, making it one of the hardest boss fights in the game.

However, the physical blows will not be what Peter will struggle with the most. It’s the words that Scream will use that will make Peter feel bad about the things he has put MJ through. Thankfully, after this boss fight, MJ will return to normal.

7 The Flame

Cletus Kasady

The flame in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Like MJ’s Scream, The Flame is technically not a huge part of the game. He leads a cult that is consumed by fire and Yuri, as Wraith, is obsessed with tracking him down to make him pay for his crimes. Players won’t even physically fight him as a boss as Wraith will take up his boss status once Peter tracks The Flame down.

Thankfully, Wraith snaps out of it after the fight in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The Flame will assuredly be a bigger deal in the sequel because he will become Carnage. Other than Venom, Carnage is one of the most famous symbiotic creatures in the Marvel comics.

6 Sandman

Flint Marko

Sandman in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has an epic opening against a giant version of Sandman. Peter and Miles tag team this boss fight to take down both the giant version of Sandman along with his mini clones. Those small Sandman clones are part of a side quest later in the game too wherein the two Spider-Man heroes are tasked with sweeping up residual zones.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The 5 Best Suits for Peter (& How to Get Them)

The best suits for Peter in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 celebrate the many different versions of the character and some of his most iconic movie moments.

At the end of each zone is a crystal containing memories from Sandman’s past. By the end, the man himself, Flint, is cured of his rage and even thanks the two heroes for setting his mind straight.

5 The Lizard

Dr. Curtis Connors

The lizard in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

In the state of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, The Lizard is no more as Dr. Connors cured his disease. He’s still missing his right arm, but that’s okay with him now that he has his mind back. Dr. Connors is the one responsible for helping Norman Osborn cure his son Harry via the Venom symbiote.

Now, even though he is a changed man, that doesn’t stop Kraven from tracking him down for the thrill of the hunt. He even injects Dr. Connors with a serum to turn him back into The Lizard. This leads to a series of thrilling chases for the two Spider-Man heroes along with a grueling boss fight.

4 Kraven The Hunter

Sergei Kravinoff

Kraven in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Speaking of Kraven, he begins Marvel's Spider-Man 2 as the main antagonist although that will eventually shift. His lore changes between mediums, but in this game, Kraven is dying. He doesn’t want to go out on a weak note though, so he decides to hunt down a strong opponent and die in the heat of battle.

Well, die in battle he indeed does because Venom is the one that takes him out in the most horrific way possible. He bites off his head, which is a favorite pastime for Venom although the man inside, Harry, is not pleased.

3 Mysterio

Quentin Beck

Mysterio in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Mysterio is surprisingly a very sympathetic character because like so many villains in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, he, as Quentin, has changed. Instead of using his stage effects to torture people, he wanted to create cool experiences via sideshows.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The 5 Best Suits for Miles (& How to Get Them)

Many of the best suits for Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are based on other superheroes or versions of the character from alternate universes.

The mini-game with Miles as a DJ is proof of that although a digital virus causes a problem in the system. As players investigate his machines, it seems like Quentin did it on purpose and didn’t change at all. The twist is that his two assistants pretended to be the villain known as Mysterio to frame Quentin which leads to a visually interesting showdown.

2 Mr. Negative

Martin Li

Mr. Negative in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

This was one of the two main villains in the first game. Mr. Negative returns in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 as a prisoner before he is eventually broken out of The Raft. At first, he doesn’t seem like he changed, but after butting heads with Miles, the real human via Martin Li comes out.

While Miles can’t forgive him for killing his father, that doesn’t stop Martin from doing what is right and he eventually uses his powers for good. It’s a sweet arc for the character which hopefully gets revisited in the next game. Maybe he’ll become Mr. Positive.

1 Venom

Harry Osborn

Venom in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Right before Kraven is dealt with, Venom is born. The symbiote takes full control of Harry in the Oscorp Building which is where Venom becomes playable in the game. He’s the best villain in the game just like Doc Ock was the best villain in the first game. It’s because Harry has strong ties to Peter, giving Peter a reason to care about Harry’s change.

There’s an investment there that no other villain in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has with Peter and it is truly heartbreaking. Also, the power Venom has is startling as he easily gets close to taking over New York City.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

October 20, 2023
Insomniac Games
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Open-World , Action-Adventure