Peter Parker began this Insomniac series in 2018. He is the classic version of the Spider-Man character and the one adored by fans the most. He is one of the two playable protagonists in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 with the other being his pupil, Miles Morales.

Spider-Man 2: How Long to Beat and Get the Platinum Trophy

Here's about how long it will take most people to beat Marvel's Spider-Man 2's main story and unlock the Platinum trophy.

Peter is armed with a variety of gadgets, his webs, and ten unique abilities that will unlock naturally and through a skill tree in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Here's all of them ranked out so that players know which abilities to invest their time into. Also, there will be spoilers as Peter goes through some changes to get these powers.

10 Spider Whiplash

L1 + X

Spider Whiplash ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Spider Whiplash is a move that has limited usage and primarily targets one opponent. Spider-Man will grab his opponents with his web and then use his mechanical legs to launch the enemy into the air.

Sometimes other enemies around will also get launched into the air, but again, this is more of a solo-based attack. It’s best when used against a large enemy that players can then start to beat up in the air, away from the crowd of minions below.

9 Anti-Venom Punch

L1 + Square

Anti-Venom Punch ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Anti-Venom Punch is an attack that gets unlocked toward the end of the game when Peter dawns his white Anti-Venom suit. Most of the Venom abilities get transformed although they are mostly the same as the Black Suit in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

Anyway, Anti-Venom Punch is another attack aimed primarily at one opponent. The punch will launch itself at an enemy and if there is a wall nearby, the attack has a high chance of pinning that enemy to the wall just like the Web Shooter gadget in the game.

8 Spider Shock

L1 + Circle

Spider Shock ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Spider Shock is one of the few attacks in Peter’s repertoire that has an electric component unlike most of Miles’ attacks which are all electric-based thanks to his body. Players will stand their ground as Spider-Man, and then shoot webs from all four mechanical legs in a slipstream.

The attack will naturally shock enemies and there is a chance they will become entangled in webs too. If players aim the attack correctly, they can target a good amount of enemies in this cone.

7 Spider Rush

L1 + Triangle

Spider Rush ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Spider Rush is a lot like Spider Shock in terms of the area of effect in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Instead of standing his ground, Spider-Man will launch himself into a tornado-like whirlwind, catching enemies in his path.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The 5 Best Suits for Peter (& How to Get Them)

The best suits for Peter in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 celebrate the many different versions of the character and some of his most iconic movie moments.

It’s a strong attack against a single enemy and it’s a bonus if players can catch more enemies along the way. The only downside is that it can be tricky to aim in the heat of battle which is true about a lot of action games that throw a large portion of enemies at players.

6 Anti-Venom Strike

L1 + Triangle

Anti-Venom Strike ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Anti-Venom Strike looks like a complicated move because it is well-animated, which would indeed be cool to see in one of the various animated Spider-Man films. Spider-Man will begin by launching himself into the air and then diving down at opponents.

It should also be mentioned that Spider-Man will sprout a bunch of tentacles and he almost looks like a pin cushion as he embraces enemies. The attack basically turns Spider-Man into a bomb. It’s strong, but like Spider Rush, it can be difficult to aim this squid-like mass at enemies.

5 Spider Barrage

L1 + Square

Spider Barrage ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Spider Barrage is one of the first moves that Peter will unlock naturally thanks to his fight against Sandman at the beginning of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. He will sprout his four mechanical legs and start to pummel an enemy endlessly with a literal barrage of punches.

There is a possibility to hit more enemies with this wave of blows, but again, this is used primarily for taking down bigger enemies. The Anti-Venom move list has by far the best attacks for Peter overall, but this mechanical-based attack is definitely worth keeping around too.

4 Anti-Venom Bomb

L1 + Square

Anti-Venom Bomb ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Anti-Venom Strike turns Peter into a bomb, but Anti-Venom Bomb is an ability wherein Peter will toss a bomb at enemies. He will use his symbiotic suit to create a well of energy and then launch it at enemies as he jumps into the air.

It’s as if Peter is setting up a spiked attack in a volleyball game and the area of effect is large. That would be an interesting offshoot for Insomniac to tackle next. Had there ever been a sports game based on Spider-Man or even a Marvel sports-based game?

3 Anti-Venom Yank

L1 + X

Anti-Venom Yank ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Anti-Venom Yank is a funny name for a move although that’s only if players have dirty minds. It’s kind of similar to the Anti-Venom Punch attack as Peter will launch a punch. However, this punch will spout multiple tentacles and attack a few opponents.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The 5 Best Suits for Miles (& How to Get Them)

Many of the best suits for Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are based on other superheroes or versions of the character from alternate universes.

The tentacles will grab enemies, raise them into the air, and then slam them down. Anti-Venom Slam, or Anti-Venom Punch Slam would probably be a better name than Anti-Venom Yank, but again, it could be a dirty joke that someone at Insomniac tried to get away with.

2 Anti-Venom Blast

L1 + Circle

Anti-Venom Blast ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Anti-Venom Blast is one of the last attacks that Peter can unlock for his Anti-Venom suit. As Spider-Man, he will stand still and then create another pin cushion-like surge of energy in his body and launch it at approaching enemies.

The attack will deal a massive amount of damage and then knock enemies back as well. Area attacks are the best kinds of attacks in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and that’s the same sentiment for a lot of action games that, again, send waves of foes at players.

1 Anti-Venom Tempest

L1 + X

Anti-Venom Tempest ability in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Anti-Venom Tempest is a slightly better attack than Anti-Venom Blast. The only difference is that Spider-Man will gather enemies around him and then use that tentacle energy to shoot those enemies into the air and repel them back.

Players can then chase down airborne enemies to juggle them like a Spider-Man offshoot of Devil May Cry. The best enemies in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, besides knocked-out enemies, are the ones that stay in the air because this keeps their defenses low. Keep that in mind for normal combative attacks too as the air is naturally Spider-Man’s greatest ally.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

October 20, 2023
Insomniac Games
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Open-World , Action-Adventure