Marvel's Spider-Man 2 begins on a high note with Peter and Miles on the way to help stop a breakout from Sandman. The intro mission has all of the best factors from the previous games in the series along with flashes of all-time greats like Shadow of the Colossus as well. It's one of the more memorable superhero game opening sequences in quite some time.

Spider-Man 2: How Long to Beat and Get the Platinum Trophy

Here's about how long it will take most people to beat Marvel's Spider-Man 2's main story and unlock the Platinum trophy.

Sandman's escape is a small part of the story although most of Marvel's Spider-Man 2's narrative revolves around Kraven the Hunter coming to New York City to hunt supervillains down. Can Peter and Miles stop Kraven and rescue the supervillains? That will remain a mystery for now, so for starters, here are some gameplay tips for beginners.

7 Check Out These Settings

Settings in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Before beginning Marvel's Spider-Man 2, players should check out these settings for a more relaxed experience. Difficulty options are an obvious must but those can be adjusted. Players should know what their comfortability is when it comes to action game difficulty by now, so those options aren’t worth discussing in greater detail.

Two cool things in the settings that should be discussed here are puzzles and QTEs. There are a lot of puzzles in the game and the simplified option will allow players to pause the game and then hit “skip puzzle” in the menu. The QTE option will automatically complete these actions. Finally, another great option allows the D-Pad to become a shortcut menu. Putting photo mode on the D-Pad is one good suggestion.

6 Do Quests ASAP For Two Reasons

Miles hugging Uncle Aaron in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The game is not going to take players that long. With the story and side content, it’s only about twenty to thirty hours. So, players might as well soak up the entire experience and do everything as it is worth it. Once side quests get unlocked from photo opportunities to Uncle Aaron’s stashes to stopping street crime, they should be done ASAP.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The 5 Best Suits for Peter (& How to Get Them)

The best suits for Peter in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 celebrate the many different versions of the character and some of his most iconic movie moments.

Doing side content in each zone of New York City will eventually unlock fast travel in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Also, doing side quests is the easiest way to earn parts and medals which are currencies used for various upgrades for both Miles and Peter.

5 Suit Upgrades To Prioritize

Suit upgrades in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Players can change into a variety of suits in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. They can also give these suits upgrades which will carry over between all suits and Miles and Peter will share these improvements. There are four basic categories the game follows including Health, Damage, Focus, and Traversal.

All four trees have valuable upgrades in them, but the one players should focus on initially should be Focus. Focus is the meter that allows the heroes to perform takedowns as well as heal. More upgrades in Focus will upgrade healing, give more charges to the meter, and improve the charge rate. It is the ultimate key to victory in the game.

4 Skills For Peter And Miles To Prioritize

Combo Resupply skill in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

There are three skill trees in Marvel's Spider-Man 2. One for Miles, one for Peter, and one that is shared between the two of them. They share skill points overall which are earned upon leveling up like in a typical RPG. The actual level and EXP meter are also a shared commodity between the two heroes.

The individual skill trees will grant the heroes new abilities as well as strengthen their core output. There’s good stuff to get into, but the most important set of upgrades is on the right side of the shared skill tree. There is a set of about five upgrades that will increase the recharge rate of gadgets and combat abilities and it all starts with Combo Resupply. The more players can use these features, the quicker battles will go.

3 The Gadget To Prioritize

Web Grabber gadget in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Insomniac is a developer known for their wild weaponry thanks to the Ratchet and Clank series primarily. The first Spider-Man game they made had a lot of cool gadgets to assist Peter in his escapades. Gadgets return in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, but there are only five this time around.

Of the five, the Web Grabber is the one to rule them all. Build this gadget and then maximize it fully. It will bring enemies together within a certain vicinity. Combining this gadget with an area attack will make short work of these cronies.

2 Three Basic Combat Tips

Shooting webs at enemies in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Three basic combat tips are going to help players immensely. First, another good gadget is called the Web-Shooter which will launch a basic spray of webs at enemies. If an enemy is by a wall or some solid object, players can knock them into it and then web them up to make them stick.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2: The 5 Best Suits for Miles (& How to Get Them)

Many of the best suits for Miles in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 are based on other superheroes or versions of the character from alternate universes.

It’s an easy way to finish them off quickly. Also, any type of villain that uses a gun or projectile should be dealt with immediately. Trace the line of sight, zoom at enemies, and then take them down. Finally, always be sure to have one Focus charge at the ready for healing in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 as HP can deplete quickly.

1 Use Headphones

Finding a chest in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

It may seem like a silly suggestion but a good pair of headphones can help a lot. There are stealth sections of the game where being able to hear where enemies are is important. Also, it’s just fun to hear Peter and Miles shout quips at enemies in the game because there are a lot.

Headphones primarily can help with side activities as there are a lot of sound cues baked into them. Some chests ping as well as a later quest involving small spider robots that give off a noise. Thanks to the headphone port on the PS5 controller, any pair will technically do.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

October 20, 2023
Insomniac Games
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Open-World , Action-Adventure