Marvel’s Spider-Man fans are still sharing interesting footage from the game and its spin-off, with some clips highlighting bugs and others spotlighting secrets. However, the latest video does something different, as it provides a side-scrolling fight unlike anything normally seen in Marvel’s Spider-Man.

Hallway fights are rare, but whenever they are done, they quickly become iconic. Oldboy’s hallway encounter sees the film remembered fondly to this day, while Daredevil Season 1’s one-shot hallway fight is arguably the best sequence in the entire series. Now, Sifu has given players an iconic hallway fight in video games, with the battle in The Squats being an awesome visual that forces players to get the hang of the game’s combat systems early on.

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A Marvel’s Spider-Man fan known as LobokVonZuben recently shared a clip that follows in the footsteps of these moments, confirming that Sifu and OldBoy were clear sources of inspiration for their creation. The clip offers the same side-scrolling perspective seen in Sifu, with Spidey taking out members of the Inner Demons inside a building. The footage is incredible, as the clever fan has shown players what an official version of a Spider-Man hallway fight could have looked like.

In the Marvel’s Spider-Man video, the player is seen dodging attacks and beating down their foes. Seeing the wall-crawlers Spider Sense flash before hits makes for an excellent visual, while the brief moments of slow motion caused by well-timed dodges and knockout hits add to the flashiness of the clip. Seeing Spidey toss back grenades and fire extinguishers from this perspective is also cool, and seeing the hero come closer to the front of the camera or further back is a lot of fun. While the hero occasionally comes out of focus, the angle is maintained for a majority of the video.

With enemies continuing to approach from the doors on either end of the hallway, there is a lot of fighting to be seen, with the clip reaching roughly four minutes in length. Perhaps the most impressive part of the footage is that no major editing was involved to create the moment, as the Share Factory logo appears at the end of the video. In the comments, when asked how they pulled off the hallway fight, LobokVonZuben shared that there is a room in the Chinatown Warehouse where the camera can be angled any way the player wants. After recreating the “walk through the door” move from Sifu, the player used ShareFactory to crop out most of the HUD.

After only a few days, the post has received 4,500 upvotes, with all the praise the fan is getting being well-deserved. Hopefully, gamers will find a similar room whenever Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases so that more neat clips like this can be made.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is available now on PS4 and PS5.

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