A clip from Marvel's Spider-Man shows the iconic character apparently killing a criminal with an incinerator. The game went somewhat out of its way to keep Peter Parker from killing people, as this is a key aspect of his character, though it seems one player may have found a way around this. It is one of many things that players are still discovering about Marvel's Spider-Man.

In 2018, Marvel's Spider-Man was released on the PlayStation 4. The game would eventually be released on the PlayStation 5 and the PC, becoming Sony's second-biggest Steam launch to date. At the time of this writing, the game has sold over 33 million copies worldwide. Despite Marvel's Spider-Man having come out over four years ago, fans are still finding fresh ways to take down Spidey's foes.

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While the game received its fair share of criticm about its open world, it was still full of many interesting details. One involved Oscorp thinking it discovered Spider-Man's identity, though others players have been more interested in finding ways to get around the character's no-kill rule. In a recent post, Reddit user FiYx55 tossed a thug into an incinerator before it was lit. As with all the character's enemies, the antagonist was knocked out and was presumably unconscious in the incinerator. Whether the NPC was able to get out before it was activated, however, was left ambiguous.

Momemts like this can happen in both Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. One fan, for example, realized that Uncle Aaron was at a rally in Spider-Man: Miles Morales, while others have noticed different details about Peter Parker and Scorpion. All of this goes to show just how dedicated fans of the franchise are and how much attention Insomniac pays to its world.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales would be released on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 in late 2020 and would go on to sell over six million copies worldwide. The first trailer for the sequel Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was revealed in September of 2021, and it will function as a follow-up to both games when it releases in 2023. The upcoming sequel will feature Venom and Kraven the Hunter among its antagonists, though the rest of the villain roster has yet to be revealed. Regardless, the game will likely give players access to another vast environment full of odd secrets. For the time being, however, players will have to be content with finding new ways to get around the character's no-kill rule in the older games.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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