Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is certainly shaping up to be an eventful game. Venom and Kraven are confirmed to feature as the main antagonists, with the Symbiote and Hunter likely to be some very formidable adversaries. On top of this, Miles has the looming threat of Kingpin to worry about, while Peter has unfinished business with the new anti-hero Wraith. As such, the game’s rogues’ gallery is already looking plenty busy.

However, if Insomniac’s series continues after Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and the pair of webslingers have some more adventures, bringing back Doctor Octopus would be a wise decision. Given how Otto Octavius’ story ends in the original game, there is more left to tell, and his return could build off the Superior Spider-Man comic book series. It would allow Insomniac to capture its original vision for the Doctor Octopus boss fight, while also introducing some Doc Ock-inspired suits and telling an emotional story that involves both Spider-Men.

RELATED: Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Why Venom May Be a Red Herring

The Storytelling Benefits Of Doc Ock’s Return

marvel's spider-man doctor octopus doc ock fight crunch ted price insomniac

While the final conversation between Peter and Doc Ock is one of the most tragic scenes in the original game, as the former’s heartbreak comes through clearly, the door is left open for another story that centers around the villain. After Otto is beaten, the villain reveals that he knew Peter was Spider-Man all along, something that could come into play in a future game. While Doc Ock is ultimately arrested, the furious look seen on his face makes it clear that he has not given up quite yet.

One of the key aspects of Otto’s character in the Marvel’s Spider-Man universe is that he is suffering from a degenerative neurological disorder. As such, he will eventually lose all motor functions, with Doc Ock fearing a fate where he can no longer move. While this is a good way to explain his logic behind creating the metal arms and working so hard on prosthetic technology, it also calls back to the comics. In the books, Doc Ock learns that he is dying due to all the abuse he has taken in his career as a supervillain.

This could be a great way to jump into the wacky but memorable Superior Spider-Man storyline. This comic book run saw Doc Ock taking control over Peter’s body after the hero’s death, vowing to be a better Spider-Man in the process. In the games, Doc Ock’s motivation could be two-fold, with the character wanting to honor his friend Peter but also wanting to escape his failing body. With the plot of Superior Spider-Man making Doc Ock a much deeper character, as he grapples with what it means to be a hero, an adaptation of the story could bring things full circle and make for a great finale to a hypothetical Marvel’s Spider-Man trilogy.

The Gameplay Benefits Of Doc Ock’s Return


From a gameplay perspective, Superior Spider-Man could lead to a memorable final boss fight between Miles and Otto. Players could control Otto through part of the game before switching over to Miles in the later half, with the young hero struggling to fight someone who looks just like his mentor. While the fight would likely lead to Peter taking back control of his body, it could still be emotional, with Miles forced to do something that he does not want to. Insomniac would also be able to realize its original plans for the Doc Ock fight, which saw Spider-Man fighting the villain throughout all of New York city. This would be fitting for a final encounter with the character, giving Insomniac a chance to use the ideas that it had for the first game’s ending.

Aside from giving players a chance to experience a deeper and longer Doc Ock fight, as well as a fresh take on one of the best modern Spider-Man stories, some suits inspired by the character could be added. Both iterations of the Superior Spider-Man suit could be included, as could the Hydra-made Superior Octopus costume. While these outfits have been highly requested for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it would be worth saving them if another Doc Ock-focused game were to happen. While it remains to be seen if the villain ever makes a return to Insomniac’s Spidey universe, it is hard not to think of all the potential that would come with a narrative built around Superior Spider-Man.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to release in 2023 on PS5.

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