Warning: Spoilers ahead for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.Thus far, it seems as if the main Marvel’s Spider-Man trilogy has been aiming to focus on all of Peter Parker’s greatest foes. The original game featured Mr. Negative in a prominent role, but its main villain was Doctor Octopus. Similarly, though Kraven was a major antagonist in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it was Venom that was built up to and served as the ultimate threat of the story. With the G-Serum mentioned, it seems like Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 is set to feature the third of Peter Parker’s trinity of iconic villains, though Green Goblin may not come alone.

Thus far, Insomniac Games has featured two major villains in its stories, and it would make sense for that trend to continue in Marvel’s Spider-Man 3. While the post credits scene for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 suggests that this other threat will be a returning Doc Ock, there will still be room for secondary threats. Not only have Carnage and Chameleon been teased, but some surprises will likely be in store, similar to how Taskmaster and Tombstone came out of nowhere. Though there is nothing to suggest that Hobgoblin will accompany Green Goblin in Marvel’s Spider-Man 3, it’s surprisingly easy to think of a scenario for him, as his healing factor is just what one unlucky character needs right now.

One Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Surprise Can Open The Door For an Emotional Side Activity

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 surprises players with a few unexpected sequences involving Peter Parker, and they could inspire a great side activity.

Hobgoblin Makes More Sense For Harry Osborn Than Green Goblin


Insomniac’s Hobgoblin Could Be Green Goblin’s Successor

Following Peter Parker destroying the Venom Symbiote using his Anti-Venom abilities, Harry Osborn’s condition has returned and his health is worse than ever. As a result, Norman Osborn has asked for the G-Serum, with many assuming that the G in front is a teaser for Goblin. However, given how much damage was caused by Harry’s initial treatment Symbiote, it would make sense for Norman to be more careful this time around. As such, he may try the treatment on himself first, slowly becoming more unhinged as he embraces his new power.

Based on his reaction at the end of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Norman already has a grudge against the Spider-Men, specifically Peter, as he blames him for Harry falling ill again. Even though this is an unfair assessment, the seed has been planted, and his hate will only be amplified when he starts losing his mind. This could see him trying to fight and kill Peter, only to accidentally die in the scrap - or intentionally, if Superior Spider-Man is adapted - which could see Harry targeting Spider-Man when he wakes up. Unaware of the consequences, Harry could inject himself with the G-Serum like his father, fighting Spider-Man in his second final boss battle of the series. Hobgoblin's healing factor could allow for a brutal, lengthy fight, making it feel different from a Green Goblin battle even if similar gadgets are used.

There have been several Hobgoblins in Marvel’s history, and while Harry Osborn has been one, Ned Leeds, Daniel Kingsley, and Phil Urich are just some of the other names to use the persona. However, as shown with Venom, Insomniac Games is more interested in introducing villains naturally as opposed to randomly inserting a name from the comics for fan service, so an existing character becoming Hobgoblin makes more sense.

Insomniac’s Hobgoblin Could Be an Anti-Hero

However, Insomniac Games could also shake things up with its Hobgoblin just like it did with its version of Tinkerer, this time making the character an ally. Prior to the Symbiote overtaking Harry’s mind and making him lose control, he showed heroic tendencies while wearing his Agent Venom suit. Further, the Emily-May Foundation is proof that Harry Osborn is a good person that has simply been thrown into unfortunate situations. Perhaps, assuming that Norman does try the serum himself first to make sure it is a good option for his son, Harry could end up getting a dose that is purely beneficial. Norman Osborn could either die or be arrested, but he could rest easy knowing that everything he did was worth it, with his son saved and Harry free to heal the world like he always wanted to. From there, Harry could assist Spider-Man in fighting another big bad like Doc Ock or get his own spin-off game.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The sequel to 2018's Spider-Man and its Miles Morales spin-off, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a PS5 console exclusive. Insomniac's open-world game features Peter Parker and Miles Morales as dual protagonists, with the two heroes going up against the likes of Kraven, Venom, and Lizard.