
  • The trailers for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 have either transparently revealed the story or deliberately obscured details.
  • It appears that Harry intends to become Venom after Peter gets rid of the symbiote, shaping the narrative around this pivotal moment.
  • Miles' bioelectric abilities may play a significant role in separating the symbiote from Peter, potentially leading to an exciting moment in the story but rendering a Venom boss fight underwhelming if the symbiote is indeed affected by Miles' powers.

The marketing thus far for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 seems entirely transparent. This either means that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is wearing its story on its sleeve, or its trailers have been skewed to obscure true details and events. If the former is true, it seems obvious that Harry intends to have his original bond with the alien symbiote turn him into Venom at some point after Peter is able to rid himself of it, and the rest of the narrative seems to fall into place around those two specific beats. Similarly, it seems clear now how Peter will be able to separate himself from the symbiote.

How Peter gets the symbiote and in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 why he doesn’t seem concerned about its existence or effects is unclear, but its capabilities in gameplay are exciting nonetheless. Now that Miles boasts a couple of scene-stealing abilities from the genetically altered spider that bit him, it was probably important for Insomniac to give Peter powers that could be equally impactful in combat. Regardless, the symbiote will need to come off Peter at some point if it’s going to have another host, but how it has been teased to come off of him might be proven false by the fact that Venom in a boss fight would therefore be underwhelming.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Teases How Miles is Capable of Shocking the Symbiote Off Peter

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The tease in particular concerns the white spider insignia for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in the game’s trailers. The final shot shows this emblem and the symbiote’s tendrils snaking toward it to consume it, and the symbiote seems to gutturally hiss when a blue flash of light appears and seems to affect it.

This would suggest that Miles’ bioelectric abilities are able to affect the symbiote and retract it from Peter, while there are other vulnerabilities the symbiote has been teased to have in Insomniac’s universe. Peter seems perturbed by the symbiote’s tendrils flailing wildly when he is atop the Lizard, for example, which could insinuate that the Lizard’s roar gives off a frequency that disrupts the symbiote.

If Miles’ powers affecting the symbiote are true then that would give him an interesting moment in the story of being able to rescue an ailing and antagonistic Peter. This would make sense and give fans the boss fight against a symbiote-laden Peter that they’ve wanted, but this would also mean that one of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s final boss fights might be grossly lackluster as a result.

If True, Venom Would Be No Match for Miles in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


Miles being able to use his bioelectricity to zap the symbiote from Peter would logically mean that Miles could zap it off whoever it clings to next, too. There’s no telling whether the pieces of Kraven and Venom boss fight concept art are a true look at those encounters from the game. But if so, Peter and Miles tackle Venom together, and it seems odd that Miles wouldn’t simply hit Venom with the same bioelectricity. It’s worth a shot even if bioelectricity doesn’t actually end up being able to affect the symbiote, and maybe Insomniac would try to explain the difficulty in doing so as Venom being much larger and harder to pin down long enough for Miles to get a strong enough charge deposited on him.

The symbiote is seemingly the same mass as it is on Peter as it is on whoever becomes Venom, though, so it wouldn’t make sense for bioelectricity to zap the symbiote off Peter and not another host, even if Venom is somehow larger. Either way, if Venom can be taken down that easily and the strategy for fighting him is already made evident before the game has launched, that might make for an uninteresting boss fight.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches on October 20, exclusively for PlayStation 5.

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