
  • Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man franchise is successful due to its original takes on Spider-Man lore, including creative liberties with key players like Venom.
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 introduces Cindy Moon, also known as Silk, with potential deviations from her comic origins, such as a different spider bite and a closer relationship with Miles Morales due to their similar age.
  • Cindy Moon's introduction as Silk could cause drama in Spider-Man 3, as Miles may be torn between his girlfriend Hailey and his connection with Cindy, continuing the theme of Spider-Man juggling his responsibilities.

Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man franchise has found success for countless reasons, from the fine-tuned gameplay mechanics to its thrilling narratives. One aspect that has really allowed the series to catch fire, however, is its original takes on established parts of Spider-Man lore. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a prime example of this ability, as Insomniac has no issues taking creative liberties with key players in the game. Venom's origins and progression through Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a major example of this experimentation, but Insomniac managed to slip in one more significant deviation for a character shown in the post-credits scene.

After the near-apocalyptic circumstances of Spider-Man 2's ending, Insomniac shared a surprise reveal with fans in the form of Cindy Moon. While this reveal was brief, and players don't so much as see her face, the introduction of this recent addition to the Spider-Man mythos has major implications. Primary of which is that Insomniac already seems ready to take creative liberties with Cindy Moon and her origins as Silk. While this isn't necessarily cause for concern given the developer's track record, looking into Silk's comic history can provide some insight into how her character may differ in the next Marvel's Spider-Man installment.

How Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Sets Up a Black Cat Half-Sequel

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 seems to close the book on Black Cat, though it could also be opening the door to a half-sequel starring Felicia Hardy.

Silk's Comic Origins Explained

Cindy Moon has been around for less than ten years, but when she was introduced, she made an immediate impact thanks to the origin of her powers. Over fifty years after comic fans saw Peter Parker get bitten by a radioactive spider, it was revealed that same spider bit Cindy Moon, giving her similar spider-powers. Soon after her powers began to manifest, she was taken by Ezekiel Sims—the antagonist of the Madame Web film—and locked in a bunker for many years. She was eventually released by Peter Parker and morphed into a formidable hero, taking on the name Silk and joining the ranks of the multiverse's many spiders.

How Insomniac's Silk May Differ In Spider-Man 3

By showing Cindy Moon in Marvel's Spider-Man 2's post-credits scene, Insomniac is already communicating how the character may differ from the comics. Though players see her only briefly with her father as they join Miles and his mom for dinner, this is enough of a deviation to draw some possible conclusions. Firstly, it seems unlikely that Cindy Moon was bitten by the same spider as Peter Parker in Insomniac's Spider-Man universe. She may yet develop the same powers, but their origins remain pure speculation. She also appears to be closer to Miles' age, which could suggest a closer personal relationship with him than Peter.

Insomniac's Cindy Moon Could Cause Trouble For Miles Morales

One of the core aspects of Cindy Moon's character in the comics is her and Peter's mutual attraction due to their shared spider bites. It lends itself to a common trope of Peter trying to juggle many relationships at once, but Insomniac's introduction of Moon could suggest a different direction. If she's closer to Miles' age, despite the fact they may share the same spider bite, Miles could find himself torn between his girlfriend Hailey and Cindy Moon should the two work together if she becomes Silk. It could make for a fair bit of drama in Spider-Man 3, and would continue the theme of Spider-Man trying to balance his many responsibilities.

The dust has hardly settled on Marvel's Spider-Man 2 a month after launch, but it's clear that Insomniac has some big things in store for Spider-Man 3. Between Green Goblin teases and the introduction of Cindy Moon, there's a lot for fans to look forward to. Time will tell how Insomniac handles Silk and her connection to the other Spider-Men, and how it will shape the narrative of Spider-Man 3.