
  • Insomniac chose popular Spider-Man suits for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, including new and previous Raimi and Webb adaptations.
  • With how well-rendered these suits are, a potential Spider-Man 4 from Sam Raimi would make Marvel's Spider-Man the ultimate hub for role-playing as Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker.

Only so many suits carried over from Marvel’s Spider-Man and Miles Morales to Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Knowing how many would be in the sequel it was never expected that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 would feature all of its predecessors’ suits, and seeing which ones made the cut is likely a good indicator of which skins Insomniac deemed most popular. Insomniac has clearly always wanted to make players’ Spider-Man dreams come true, and for a lot of players those dreams seem to be donning Spider-Man suits adapted from Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy as well as Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man duology.

The Raimi Spider-Man 2 suit, dubbed the Webbed suit in Marvel’s Spider-Man, was added to the game following a period where the community had harassed Insomniac. But whether Insomniac chose to add the suit in response to that or of its own accord, it was then part of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s costume catalog as well alongside the debut of its black symbiote variant, or the Webbed Black suit. Lately there have been rumors that Raimi will finally get to see his fourth Spider-Man movie come to fruition, and if so it will have been fortuitous that Insomniac took the time to render these suits with such care and skill.

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Insomniac Got Out in Front of Raimi Spider-Man Suits at the Perfect Time

Sony is putting all Spider-Man movies back into theaters to celebrate Columbia Pictures’ 100th anniversary. This is obviously a profitable endeavor for Sony and speculation suggests that its outcome could spell a green light on a Spider-Man 4 if successful enough.

This is supported by the fact that Sam Raimi has now commented quite a few times on the possibility of a Spider-Man 4 following his directorial role on the latest Doctor Strange movie for the MCU, with his responses all being fairly hopeful rather than dismissive. Of course, until anything legitimate is announced there’s no telling whether a Spider-Man 4 will ever happen.

Still, though, Insomniac has already established its Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise as the perfect outlet for anyone eager to see Tobey Maguire suiting up in red and blue tights again. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s New Game Plus update came with an improved Webbed suit and players haven’t been able to stop sharing how photorealistic the costume looks, with each screenshot being difficult to tell apart from that of a Spider-Man 2 movie still and reigniting demand for a remaster or remake of the licensed Spider-Man 2 game.

A Spider-Man 4 Could Be a Gold Mine for Marvel’s Spider-Man 3

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Assuming that Insomniac will carry over the Raimi suits once more to Marvel’s Spider-Man 3, it would be phenomenal if a Spider-Man 4 was announced. Marvel’s Spider-Man is already a celebratory hub that honors live-action Spider-Man iterations and having another Raimi movie added to that confluence would be a wonderful excuse for players to revisit the games while role-playing as Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker.

Many iconic moments can even be recreated in Marvel’s Spider-Man now with the immersive aid of these Webbed suits: Spider-Man attempting to halt a runaway train, for instance, much less battling the likes of Doctor Octopus, Sandman, or Venom. It would be terrific if a Spider-Man 4 was released and gave even more reason to enjoy Marvel’s Spider-Man, especially if the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 created even more parallels for the games and the movies to cherish.