
  • Insomniac has intentionally left gaps in the Spider-Man story, allowing fans to use their imaginations to fill them in.
  • Gwen Stacy and miscellaneous Spider-Man villains have yet to be featured in the game, giving Insomniac plenty of material to draw from in future developments.
  • It would be exciting to see Peter or Spider-Man have a face-to-face encounter with J. Jonah Jameson, especially now that Jameson is back at The Daily Bugle and MJ works there too.

If Insomniac wanted to now, it could be completely content to move forward with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and resist looking back at the continuity’s history. Much was established as being part of the overarching world around Peter and his companions, and like any good world-building, Insomniac knew not to try to explain away every single detail. Instead, fans are able to use their imaginations to fill in gaps the story has left in nearly a decade of Peter being Spider-Man, while some details have indeed been shared to give context to larger story beats that are commonly popular in Spider-Man canon.

Many fans have wondered whether Insomniac’s take on Gwen Stacy could appear in the Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise, considering how there has been no mention of her yet. There are also obviously many other Spider-Man villains that have yet to be featured or referenced, giving Insomniac a wealth of lore to draw from for as long as it decides to develop Spider-Man games. That said, one character pairing or encounter has yet to happen in-game for players to enjoy despite them knowing each other fairly well already, and that’s another meeting between Peter or Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson.

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Peter Has a History of Employment at the Daily Bugle

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Peter was formerly a freelance photographer at The Daily Bugle and the best piece of evidence he has kept from that time in his life is the farewell card he received from others at the Bugle when he left, seemingly on good terms. Peter’s reason for leaving the Bugle was related to a smear campaign Jameson unsurprisingly targeted Spider-Man within the press, but this past is interesting nonetheless for the connection it gives Peter to Jameson, Joe Robertson, Gloria Grant, Betty Brant, and Eddie Brock Jr.

Peter pursuing a teaching career might seem like a spontaneous pivot after seeing his scientific ambitions in Marvel’s Spider-Man, and while it wouldn’t make sense for him to come crawling back to the Bugle despite MJ working there, it would still be fantastic to see Peter and Jameson bump into each other again. There are surely loose threads there that could foam to the surface if they were in the same room together for a prolonged period of time, and if Peter was suited up as Spider-Man that could prove even more entertaining. Moreover, since Peter will become much moodier as a result of wearing the symbiote, it would be terrific to see him unload on Jameson in a way he might never think to do otherwise.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Should Bring Peter or Spider-Man Face-to-Face with Jameson

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Spider-Man has technically been in the same room as Jameson in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, but this was a passing glance while pursuing the Rhino to portray Jameson as a disgruntled podcaster. Jameson was also portrayed in this scene wearing a full Santa Claus costume, most likely in an effort for Insomniac to obscure his actual in-game features. This way, Insomniac wouldn’t need to commit to a particular look for an NPC who wasn’t getting any other screen time anyhow.

Regardless, Peter waving to Jameson as they swing through his studio was a cute nod to that averse relationship they have, but the franchise deserves to have them come face-to-face in full conversation and there’s a simple way Insomniac could write it into the narrative of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Because Jameson is now back at The Daily Bugle’s publication and Mary Jane works for him, it would seem easy enough to have a scene where Peter needs to meet her at the Bugle and runs into Jameson and potential other colleagues he had when he used to work there.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches on October 20, exclusively for PlayStation 5.

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