
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will feature a suit style system that quadruples the number of suits available by providing alternate variations and color palettes to existing designs, pleasing suit-ravenous fans.
  • The highly requested ability to play as Peter or Miles in their regular clothing in the open world is unlikely to happen due to immersion-breaking issues, but the suit style system could offer diverse civilian clothing options for the characters.
  • The sheer volume of suits and their colorways in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will create a wonderfully diverse catalog, although it is still unclear if there will be post-launch DLC or updates introducing more suits.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 revealed quite a lot in what felt like only a tiny glimpse during its surprise appearance at the PlayStation State of Play last week, and unpacking all of what it divulged takes looking closely at its quick montage of information. The number of suits and colorway variants it displayed alone is worthy of pausing on almost every frame to discern them, and thankfully Insomniac’s Bryan Intihar explained that suits all have their own suit style system as well. This feature basically quadruples the number of suits available in the game by providing alternate variations and color palettes to particular design bases, like Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s Superior suit.

This will hopefully appease Marvel’s Spider-Man’s community of suit-ravenous fans, but a hefty number of suit requests are always being demanded that would require their own base design in the sequel. The suit style system isn’t going to suddenly create a colorway representing The Amazing Spider-Man 2’s suit if it wasn’t already a base design, for example, and that’s where a lot of costumes will need to be represented initially. However, while there is still no word on whether Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have Peter Parker or Miles Morales skins, suit styles would make such skins much better.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man Has Yet to Commit to a Peter or Miles Skin

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Easily one of the most highly requested ‘suits’ in the Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise is being able to go out into the open world as Peter or Miles, unmasked and in their regular clothing, despite how immersion-breaking such skins would be. It wouldn’t make any sense for Peter or Miles to reveal their identities by swinging around and interacting with characters while unmasked in this context, especially during cutscenes, but fans are less concerned with that and more interested in having these skins for moment-to-moment enjoyment in the open world.

If these skins were available after the game’s story was completed and players could abandon their Spider-Man costumes in the open world thereafter that might solve the issue, but of course there’s the problem of needing to animate Peter and Miles’ faces for every interaction possible in the open world. It is doubtful that Insomniac will ever indulge fans on this request as a result, and while it’s fully possible that Marvel’s Spider-Man will continue offering scripted sequences where fans play as Peter or Miles and use their abilities while in ordinary clothing, the suit style system in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 makes the unlikelihood of dedicated Peter or Miles skins an even bigger bummer this time around.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Suit Styles Could Make Civilian Clothing Diverse


Because suit styles offer multiple different looks for a base design, it would be incredible if potential literal Peter and Miles skins had their own that let players dress them in unique outfits with associable colorways. Peter has an outfit where he wears a white t-shirt under a fur-lined corduroy jacket, for example, and a suit-style colorway selection for this aesthetic could be realized in different colors, such as a green jacket instead of a rust-colored one.

This would be fantastic as players could put their own tiny alterations on these ordinary clothing skins as a touch of personal preference and see both Peter and Miles’ skins together while thwarting random crimes together in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s New York City. Regardless of whether Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 includes such skins or not, though, the sheer volume of suits and their colorways will make for a wonderfully diverse catalog. Plus, it’s still unclear if Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have post-launch DLC or updates launching more suits or if all over-65 suits are supposed to be in the game at launch, but there’s only roughly a month before fans find out for themselves.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 releases on October 20, exclusively for PS5.

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