
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 does not currently have a New Game Plus mode, which may disappoint players who want to replay the game with unlocked skills and suits from the beginning.
  • The addition of DLC or new content would enhance the appeal of New Game Plus and give players a reason to replay the game.
  • If the New Game Plus mode is going to be impactful like God of War Ragnarok's, it should include new suit additions and other exciting goodies to make the replay experience more enjoyable for players.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is the latest AAA game not to come with a New Game Plus mode already in hand. This is likely due to other parts of development taking priority, which is admirable if true in this case since Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is packed with exciting story and optional content. Likewise, New Game Plus isn’t a feature that all players desire, content to only play through story-driven games once when they launch and maybe once again in the future when a sequel is coming out. That said, players who aren’t ready to dive bare-bones back into a ~20-hour or longer story will likely be upset when such games don’t have a New Game Plus yet.

New Game Plus probably won’t let players use symbiote abilities or Li’s lightning-based abilities until the point in the story when they’re unlocked, but it would be fun to play through early missions with a fully upgraded suite of gadgets and traversal abilities. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have a New Game Plus mode eventually, but when the feature does arrive the game arguably needs DLC or another piece of content to give players a salient reason to play it again.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s New Game Plus Needs DLC Accompaniment

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is relatively short. That’s not necessarily a hindrance, but knowing that its story and optional open-world content can be completed in a few short days means that a New Game Plus mode may only truly appeal to fans who are adamant about playing through the story with certain skills or suits already unlocked from the beginning.

Otherwise, many fans have likely already Platinumed Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and may not have any reason to retread that optional content. New DLC is unexpected at this point due to no announcement being made yet, but it’s always possible that an unprecedented story expansion could arrive alongside New Game Plus, which would be its biggest boon.

Story Threads a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC Could Follow

  • The Flame’s Wraith and Carnage loose threads (unlikely due to Yuri mentioning it might take years to track Cletus down).
  • The Chameleon’s reveal in a side quest with connections to Kraven.
  • The obscure Spider-Verse connection made via the Spider-Bot side quest.
  • Miles’ schooling at Brooklyn Visions Academy.
  • Miles and Hailey’s budding relationship, potentially with more playable Hailey sequences.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s NG+ Could Take Pointers from God of War Ragnarok’s

When God of War Ragnarok finally released its own New Game Plus, it thankfully did so with an accompaniment of other exciting goodies. Two of its most engaging skins were introduced via the Cloak of the Black Bear and its gear set for Kratos, as well as a Spartan Armor skin for him that leaves Kratos completely shirtless.

Other updates were made, too, and made diving back into the game with a New Game Plus playthrough more than simply playing the game again with everything players already had. This obviously doesn't need to be matched one-for-one to have Marvel’sSpider-Man 2’s be successful, but it offers a decent blueprint.

NG+ without New Content Would Give Little Reason for Players to Return so Soon

If Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s New Game Plus is going to be similarly impactful, it will at least need new suit additions to give players something else to wear. Fortunately, that’s what Insomniac is already known to have done with the first game, so future updates with new suits aren’t out of the realm of possibility at all.

It will be interesting to see if Insomniac decides to make its New Game Plus addition a celebration with additional goodies or if it comes by its lonesome. Nonetheless, the latter may be a mistake when most players have already seen all the content Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has to offer right now.