Thanks to the stories told in Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has two Spider-Men to work with. Peter Parker is the much older, more experienced superhero, while Miles Morales is the up-and-coming star with unique powers and an attitude to call his own. Together, the two Spider-Men have much better chances of protecting New York City than if they went at it alone.

Venom is probably the biggest baddie in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 that will test these heroes' resolves. While the symbiote's origin in the Insomniac Games' universe is still unknown, Venom has a habit of bringing out the worst parts of its host. With Peter Parker donning the black suit in the sequel, it is up to Miles to help his mentor fight his dark side and defeat this new evil.

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Peter is Succumbing to His Darker Side in Marvel's Spider-Man 2

A close-up screenshot of Peter Parker's Symbiote costume in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

The world got its first real look at a symbiote-infused Peter Parker in the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 gameplay trailer shown at the recent PlayStation Showcase. In addition to amplifying his normal Spider-Man powers like his Spider-Sense and super strength, the Venom symbiote also grants Peter new black tendrils that he can use for traversal and combat. While these latter powers aren't always a staple of the Venom symbiote suit, they do help set Insomniac Games' version stand out from the rest.

These new powers come at a cost, however. Throughout the trailer, fans see Peter act less and less like himself. He pauses momentarily when presented with the choice to either save civilians or go after the Lizard. His usual quippy humor is also gone and is replaced by a more serious tone of voice and a determination to eliminate his opponents. This culminates in Peter's decision to go after the Lizard by himself without the help of Miles. If the audience didn't get the hint that Peter has changed, Miles blatantly points it out by telling Ganke that his mentor never acts like he just did in their latest team-up.

Miles' Experience Will Help Peter Remember What It Means To Be A Hero

miles morales venom blast

Given that Peter will most likely lose himself to the Venom symbiote, it is up to Miles to save his mentor and bring him back to his senses. Miles is quite possibly the closest thing Peter has to a brother right now. His short history as Spider-Man and as a person behind the mask makes it easy for him to understand Peter's darker emotions. Miles has already lost his father Jeff and close friend Phin Mason. His inability to save them and others is what draws upon his feelings of sadness and anger. It is these experiences that will allow him to reach out to Peter and hopefully talk him out of keeping the black suit.

If words won't save Peter, then Miles has one more trick against the Venom symbiote. Miles's Venom powers (there is some irony to that naming convention) work off bio-electricity and allow him to generate energy blasts that stun and damage anything he touches. Considering two of the Venom symbiote's weaknesses are intense fire and sound, Miles' unique powers could come in handy should he need to pry it off Peter or anyone else by force.

This hypothesis of Miles using his Venom powers to save Peter might be hinted at in the promotional material for Marvel's Spider-Man 2. As Venom's tendrils begin to overtake the Spider-Man symbol and the tagline, blasts of electricity that look like Miles' unique Venom powers push them back. It may seem like a long shot but considering these two Spider-Men need every tool at their disposal to combat their new foes, having Miles use force in addition to words may be necessary.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 launches this fall for PlayStation 5.

MORE: Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Could Peter Parker Become Venom?