Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is set to feature both webslingers in a game that will bring in some of the greatest Marvel villains of all time. Following the success of both Marvel’s Spider-Man, and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the long-awaited sequel will introduce key villains such as Kraven The Hunter and Venom. However, one major aspect of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 that Insomniac will need to keep in mind is ensuring that Peter Parker does not steal too much of the focus from Miles Morales.

Marvel’s Spider-Man introduced a lot of fans to Miles Morales, with the end of the game showing Peter finding out about Miles’ abilities. While Miles did get a game solely focused on him, it was considerably shorter than the first game, giving him less time to shine than his mentor. Now, with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 set to give both webslingers their biggest challenge yet, the game needs to let both characters share the spotlight and ensure that Peter does not steal the show.

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Spider-Man 2 Could Pass The Torch


Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales gave fans a look at the life of the newest Spider-Man as he attempts to balance the life of crime fighting with the time he spends with family and friends. This is in direct contrast to Marvel’s Spider-Man, where Peter had already been protecting New York City for around eight years. So, with the growth that Miles showed in his standalone game, and the likely growth of his character that fans will be able to see in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, it could soon be time for Peter to pass the torch over to Miles.

In Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the titular character is left to defend New York City by himself as Peter decides to take a long overdue vacation to Symkaria, the home of Silver Sable and a country that borders Latveria, home of Doctor Doom. Though unlikely, this could hint at the possibility of The Fantastic Four being introduced into this universe, and possibly even Peter leaving to join the Avengers, which would mean that Miles will be the lone Spider-Man in New York. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could be Peter’s final appearance as a defender of New York, instead leaving Miles in his place as he prepares to take on an even bigger threat. Not only would the passing of the torch be a big moment in the second game, but it would also set up another Miles-focused entry in the series.

Peter Could Be Taken Over By The Venom Symbiote


Another way that the game could give more importance to Miles Morales would be to make good use of Venom. Throughout the comics, Venom and Spider-Man have had a long-standing rivalry, with the symbiote often trying to take over Peter’s body permanently. However, with his appearance in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Venom could finally achieve this, forcing Miles to figure out a way to not only stop Venom but to do so without inflicting too much damage on Peter.

With the Venom symbiote’s need to take over Peter, and the fact that the two webslingers will also be coming up against Kraven the Hunter, Peter could fall into the hands of the symbiote. While Venom could end up helping the webslingers take out Kraven instead, seeing Miles step up against Peter would certainly be a great way to ensure that his character is not overshadowed by the more accomplished Spider-Man. This would also allow for the torch to fully be passed over to Miles, with Peter deciding to retire after his body was taken over.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 should be used as an opportunity to finally give Miles the lead, allowing fans to see how his character has developed into the role of Spider-Man. Regardless of whether Peter ends up retiring, though, Miles should not be left on the sidelines, even if he lacks Peter's experience. With his own unique abilities to help him, Miles Morales could easily hold his own in any battle, and though he still may need Peter’s assistance, it should not lead to either one overshadowing the other since both of them deserve the spotlight.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to release in 2023 for PS5.

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