
  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will feature Kraven the Hunter as a major antagonist, though it is unclear whether he will primarily hunt Peter Parker or Miles Morales.
  • Insomniac Games could draw from the long history of Kraven and Peter's rivalry in the comics to create an engaging story. If it wants to make Kraven an anti-hero, Symbiote-corrupted Peter would be a better target.
  • While Peter may be a logical choice for Kraven's target, Miles's unique abilities and the opportunity for a fresh story make him a compelling option. Assuming Venom's story is Peter-focused, it also makes sense to pit Miles against one of the main villains.

The release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is inching closer, and once the game debuts, fans of the wall-crawler will likely waste no time flying through the story. Plenty are excited to see how Insomniac Games handles its version of Venom, what happens with Peter and the Symbiote, and so on. However, the most interesting narrative choice could be tied to Kraven; specifically, which Spider he chooses to hunt for.

Insomniac has yet to fully confirm whether Kraven will be hunting Peter or Miles in the sequel. While it can be assumed that he will face off with both of the friendly neighborhood heroes at some point during Marvel's Spider-Man 2, either the original Spidey or the up-and-comer will likely be his primary target. Intriguingly, there is a good case to be made for Kraven’s big rivalry being with either Spider-Man, though one option would make a bit more sense than the other.

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Kraven Could Hunt After Peter in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, But Miles May Make Better Prey

marvel's spider-man 2 kraven chamelon

To make a case for Peter Parker being Kraven’s main target, fans need only look to the long legacy of Marvel comics where the two characters do battle. Time and time again Peter has fought against The Hunter, from quick clashes in random issues to iconic story arcs like Kraven’s Last Hunt. With an existing history to work with, Insomniac can pull in some of the best moments from the comics to tell a story that is guaranteed to work.

Additionally, if Insomniac wants to take after Sony’s upcoming Kraven film and make the character more of an anti-hero, Peter makes sense as his target. After all, fans already know that Peter will go too far while wearing the Symbiote, as the downside of bonding with the parasite is a loss of control. With this in mind, Kraven could be taking on Peter not only for a challenge, but also to protect the lives of innocents. Still, Miles feels like the better choice for Kraven’s main foe.

Anyone who knows about the character Kraven the Hunter will know that he is motivated by competition, always seeking out the strongest fight possible. With the Symbiote equipped, that may be Peter, but without it, Miles seems like the stronger of the two thanks to his electric abilities and invisibility. Perhaps Kraven will begin by hunting Peter, but shift his focus to Miles once the Symbiote is removed or after Miles has rescued Peter from a fight with Kraven. From there, he could kit his soldiers out with gear to nullify Miles' venom blasts or spot him whenever he is cloaked.

Additionally, having Miles as Kraven’s main enemy could work for the opposite reason that Peter being the primary target would be ideal. While Insomniac Games would indeed have tons of comics to pull from if it pit Kraven against Peter, the studio has focused on telling original stories thus far. As such, it makes sense for it to do something new, with Kraven and Miles having far less of an established history. Kraven versus Miles is something that will feel fresh as a result, which could make it more appealing for Insomniac and fans who feel burnt out on Kraven fighting Peter.

Lastly, it makes sense for Miles Morales to be put up against one of the game’s main villains. Assuming that Harry Osborn is Venom like everyone thinks, Peter will have a deep emotional connection to him. As such, much of the battle with Venom and the story leading up to that moment will likely be focused on Peter. It makes sense to make the clash with the other major threat more Miles-centric, then, as it creates a balance between the two characters. While both will have side villains to deal with, splitting the main threats evenly between Peter and Miles seems like a good idea. For that reason, Kraven having a deeper with rivalry with Miles would make sense, though it could end up going either way.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to release on October 20 for PS5.

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