Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is rumored to be in development, and given the past two games’ post credits scenes, this seems like a no-brainer. Insomniac Games has clearly been building up to a huge sequel, with the Symbiote teased alongside the debut of The Lizard. While both of these developments are interesting, and Marvel’s Spider-Man’s Symbiote could open up some interesting possibilities, most fans are just excited to see the debut of Venom.

Expecting the webslinger’s nemesis to show up in the next game is understandable, as the implication certainly seems to be that he is on the way. However, Marvel’s Spider-Man fans should also anticipate something a fair bit different from Insomniac’s version of the character. Due to one big change that has already been confirmed, gamers could be looking at a take on Venom that is a lot different from the Eddie Brock version that many have grown accustomed to.

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Why Harry Osborn’s Venom Will Likely Be Different From Eddie Brock’s

Marvel's Spider-Man Venom

In the Marvel’s Spider-Man universe, the Symbiote is not attached to Eddie Brock. Instead, it finds itself on Harry Osborn, Peter Parker’s best friend from high school. In the games, Harry had to go into hiding after becoming incredibly ill, entering stasis so that Norman can experiment on him in the hopes of finding a cure. The experimental treatment that has been used on Harry in secret takes the form of the Symbiote, the alien parasite that transforms its host into Venom.

With the first Marvel’s Spider-Man game not doing much to set up Eddie Brock, the original host for Venom in the comics, it is hard to imagine that the Symbiote would transfer over to him. Instead, all signs point to Harry Osborn himself becoming Venom, something that should serve as a fresh experience for Spidey fans. This is a big deal for the fact that Harry is not a bad person, and he has no grudge against Peter. So much of Eddie Brock’s original attacks on Peter were fueled by hatred, but with Harry, it could be entirely different. This version of Venom could be less monstrous, slowly corrupting Harry in the way that the Symbiote suit has infected Peter’s brain in the past. This could be interesting from a story perspective, as it forces Peter to fight a close friend, but it could also lead to a different take on Venom further down the road.

Turning Harry Into Agent Venom Or Anti-Venom

marvel comics anti venom

With this version of Venom likely being kept in check by Harry at all times, and the host having no reason to hunt down Peter, players may see something more akin to Agent Venom in the game. While this was the moniker used by Flash Thompson when he had the Symbiote suit, the premise could be transferred over to Harry. In the comics, the Symbiote heals Flash Thompson’s legs, allowing him to move again. This level of healing is likely being done for Harry, and the Agent Venom style could be used to let him be a hero. While Thompson is a military man, the idea still works. Harry could need to bond and un-bond from the suit every 2 days to avoid being corrupted, making for an interesting balance to play with.

While Agent Venom storylines obviously see the character missing the 48-hour window and going too far, which brings out the classic version of Venom, the character looks and fights like Spider-Man for the most part. With Kraven The Hunter even mistaking Agent Venom for Spider-Man at one point in the comics, the similarities are clear. However, an even more memorable version of Venom could be introduced, as Insomniac already has all the necessary pieces to the puzzle. With Mister Negative existing in the Marvel’s Spider-Man universe, introducing Anti-Venom in the next game is possible.

Created when Mister Negative cures Eddie Brock of his cancer, the idea of a Symbiote healing people is once again brought into focus. While Anti-Venom has his moments of darkness, Eddie Brock is entirely in control, meaning that the character is much more heroic than the regular version of Venom. The Anti-Venom Symbiote also has the ability to cure people of their diseases and take away superpowers. While the latter makes him an interesting villain, the former allows him to do an incredible amount of good. If Harry’s version of Venom eventually becomes Anti-Venom, he could go out of his way to cure people. Making sure that they never get as sick as he did, Insomniac’s take on the character could ultimately be an ally for Peter instead of an adversary. For those that want to see a playable Venom like in 2005’s Ultimate Spider-Man, this could be a way to make it happen.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is rumored to be in development.

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