Warning: Spoilers ahead for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.Though fans do not know the specifics of where the next game in the franchise will take the narrative, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 goes out of its way to set up several things for the future. Side villains like Chameleon and Carnage are heavily teased for either Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 or a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 DLC, while another wall-crawling hero is teased via the debut of Cindy Moon, AKA Silk, in one of the game’s post credits scenes. However, Cindy is not all that Insomniac is teeing up for the third main game, as the return of Doc Ock is imminent - though one comment he makes has left fans scratching their heads.

While the post credits scene for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could suggest that Doc Ock and Norman Osborn - who could be on track to become the Green Goblin thanks to the introduction of G-Serum - will work together, Otto Octavius seems to have little interest in the idea. He protects Peter Parker’s identity in a moment that feels very similar to what Vulture did in the Spider-Man: Homecoming post-credits scene, before saying that he is writing the “final chapter.” With this not feeling like a nod to a specific comic run, fans are speculating about what exactly Otto has in store for the friendly neighborhood hero, and whether his choice of wording implies something bigger.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Desperately Needs This Type of Batman: Arkham Content

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What Doc Ock Could Mean By ‘Final Chapter’ in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Doc Ock Spider-Man PS4 Cropped

Doc Ock’s ‘Final Chapter’ Comment Could Be About Himself

One important thing to remember about Insomniac’s version of Otto Octavius is that, like modern comic iterations of the character, he is suffering from an untreatable disease. It was set up in the previous game that Otto was on track to lose all control of his body, which is where the arms came from, as they were initially designed as prosthetics. With several months having passed since fans last saw Doc Ock, he is likely even worse off than before, and his “final chapter” comment could be an acknowledgement of how his days are numbered and his next battle with Spidey will be his last, no matter what happens. However, that does not explain why he would be writing something down, which could suggest that a complex plan like Superior Spider-Man is in the works.

For those unfamiliar with the Superior Spider-Man story, it is a rather over-the-top concept, but one that provides some brilliant character work for Otto Octavius and gives fans insight into a very different kind of Spidey variant. Essentially, Otto Octavius abandons his failing body and takes control over Peter Parker’s, inserting his consciousness into the wall-crawler. While Peter remains a nagging voice in the back of his head, Otto tries to be a “better” Spider-Man by doing things his way. It could be interesting to see Superior Spider-Man interact with Insomniac's MJ and Miles, who could notice something is wrong and rescue Peter.

Note: Fans have been quick to point out that Otto’s glasses seem to cast a shadow over his eyes that makes them look like Spider-Man lenses. While this could just be a case of pareidolia, it may also be a subtle nod to Superior Spider-Man.

Insomniac Games Could Be Moving on From Spider-Man, or Just Peter

However, Superior Spider-Man seems a bit unlikely due to how outrageous the initial part of the story is, with Insomniac’s original narrative being fairly grounded thus far. Additionally, Insomniac added the Superior Spider-Man suit to Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, which could suggest that it does not have plans to adapt the story. After all, it made fans wait for the Symbiote suit until the concept was properly covered in its games, so if the developer did plan to do Superior Spider-Man in the next game, it would have likely saved the suit. As such, it has to be considered that the “final chapter” line may have instead been a case of Insomniac speaking to fans.

One reading of the line is that Insomniac is moving on from Marvel’s Spider-Man once the trilogy is complete. This would be plausible, as it has other Marvel projects like Wolverine to consider as well as its own franchises like Ratchet and Clank to work on. Alternatively, the final chapter reference could be about Peter specifically, as this is who Doc Ock has a grudge against. With Peter already semi-retired, he may fully retire at the end of the next game, or die in the battle with his greatest foes. From there, the numbered Spider-Man games could end, with Silk and Miles spin-offs releasing after - or perhaps a big Spider-Verse game. While what exactly Doc Ock is referring to is left up to interpretation, some kind of finality can clearly be expected with Marvel’s Spider-Man 3.

marvel's spider-man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

The sequel to 2018's Spider-Man and its Miles Morales spin-off, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a PS5 console exclusive. Insomniac's open-world game features Peter Parker and Miles Morales as dual protagonists, with the two heroes going up against the likes of Kraven, Venom, and Lizard.