Since Insomniac Games was officially added to Sony’s first party family in 2019, the studio has become one of the publisher’s most prolific assets. It’s fair to say that its recent successes, like last year’s Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, have helped to define the PS5’s early days. Having created two of the most critically and commercially acclaimed Marvel titles in recent memory, players are now eager to hear about its next comic book endeavor, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

During Sony’s 2021 PlayStation Showcase, Insomniac shocked the world when it unveiled Peter and Miles’ upcoming adventure alongside a brand-new Wolverine project. While it’s worth keeping in mind that any rumor should be taken with a grain of salt until there is official confirmation from the studio, there have been a number of supposed leaks regarding the game from people claiming to be insiders. Even though all could eventually turn out to be works of fiction, they're worth examining to see what Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could potentially look like.

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The Alleged Insomniac Leak


Following Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s unveiling during Sony’s last PlayStation Showcase event, a number of alleged leaks have popped up as posts over on Reddit. The earliest of these, which has since been removed by moderators, came from a user who claimed to be an employee at Insomniac. While they refused to provide details regarding their identity, the anonymous individual let slip that they were supposedly working hard within the studio as a member of its ‘traversal team.’

Part of their post was subsequently related to the swinging mechanics of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Even though Insomniac has received praise in this department historically, this user has claimed that the studio has utilized the PS5’s SSD to make swinging 1.8 times faster in the sequel. A new grapple-hook web function is also said to be one of the new abilities available in-game. Based on the dimension hopping antics of Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, it isn’t hard to envision the studio improving things in this manner even if the leak turns out to be fake.

After being pressed by other users, the alleged Insomniac employee also provided insight into how the game's story could play out. If this leak turns out to be real, players will be able to select Peter or Miles before heading into every mission, with the unselected Spider-Man taking up an AI controlled support role. Both will have unique abilities, while Peter’s trick system has also been updated to mirror Miles' solo-moves. Based on comments from the studio, none of these claims are particularly outlandish. While it’s been confirmed that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 won’t feature multiplayer co-op, AI support has never been ruled out.

Before this alleged leaker's claims were removed, they also spoke about the narrative journey both Spider-Men will undertake. In addition to Kraven the Hunter, Peter and Miles will apparently face-off against Lizard and Mysterio as well. Considering how Insomniac has created two MCU-style teasers on the subject already, in addition to the game’s trailer, it’s unsurprising that Venom is said to play a prominent role, too. After encountering the Oscorp engineered symbiote, something that mirrors its origins in Marvel’s Ultimate universe, Peter will shed the entity during the game’s later chapters. Supposedly, this is the act which will prompt the hero to develop the Iron-Spider arms seen in the trailer.

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Spider-Man 2’s Suits Rumors


Even though Insomniac has only released one Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 trailer, it’s easy to speculate on the shape of the game from that tantalizing amount of footage. It’s for this reason that most of the rumors regarding the game, like those mentioned above, aren’t particularly hard to envision coming true even if the source is fake. From comments made by Marvel creative vice president Bill Rosemann, for example, it’s already been established that the sequel will feature darker plot lines. Insiders who claim Peter will face his demons physically via Venom aren’t saying anything that’s too out there.

However, what is harder to predict thanks to the hero's nearly 60-year history is which suits will pop up in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. In the two proceeding entries in the series, Insomniac Games was praised for the options that Peter and Miles had available to them. Thanks to some future-proofing, there were still a number of gaps despite this. If the supposed traversal team leaker is to be believed, some of these are about to be filled. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 suit, which recently re-appeared in No Way Home, is just one example cited as being available in the sequel.

Twitter user Elijah Boxhill, a writer at FandomWire, has contradicted the aforementioned Reddit leaker to some extent on this subject, though. On the social media platform, Boxhill has claimed that they've heard every suit in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will have its own symbiotic version. While it remains to be seen if their sources are accurate, from a pure mechanical perspective, this would make sense. The ability to switch suits in Marvel's Spider-Man and Miles Morales was a key part of the experience, to the point that it's hard to see Insomniac removing player choice entirely for large sections of the game.

Spider-Man 2’s 2020 Leak


Considering how Marvel’s Spider-Man was a runaway success in terms of both its critical and commercial reception, it isn’t shocking that rumors surrounding its fully fledged sequel pre-date Insomniac’s official unveiling. Back in 2020, as the studio was gearing up for Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales on PS4 and PS5, one Reddit user claimed to have received advanced notice of the plan for the series on a grander scale.

In addition to fighting Venom, this user claimed that Carnage would also play an antagonistic role alongside Mysterio. During a story reportedly set 6 months after Marvel’s Spider-Man, Peter and Miles would also run across Eddie Brock, seemingly on a collision course with the aforementioned black symbiote. Based on the fact that fans now know Kraven will play a large part in the sequel’s story, it’s hard to see Insomniac throwing a Carnage storyline into the mix, too. With so many other villains on standby to return, in addition to those the studio has teased, it could make more sense for this idea to be saved for a future installment.

One part of the 2020 leak that it’s easier to see coming true, though, is the idea that New York will be expanded in the PS5 exclusiveMarvel’s Spider-Man 2. If this particular leak ends up having some basis in reality, Brooklyn and Queens will feature in a scaled up representation of the iconic city. To compensate for their decreased number of skyscrapers, expanded mechanics will be introduced to allow both Spider-Men to zip between points. Three swinging options, offering different levels of complexity, were also reported to be on the table.

The April 2020 Rumor

spider-man hanging in new york

One final leak which did the rounds at the start of 2020 as well has gradually faded from the minds of fans over the last few years. That’s because, unlike a lot of the other supposed leaks out there, this one has already been disproved by Insomniac’s actions. Before Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was revealed, one Reddit user claimed that the studio was going straight into a numbered sequel. Thanks to how that didn’t happen, it’s doubtful that its other details are accurate either.

Concepts like Peter’s ability to roam the streets of New York as a regular civilian alongside a visitable Statue of Liberty, were both interesting to imagine, though. The reported return of a balloon grabbing side activity and Human Torch racing missions would’ve likely gone down well with fans as well. If nothing else, rumors like this serve as a reminder that it’s worth looking at any alleged leak with a skeptical eye. With Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 penciled in for a 2023 release, fans shouldn’t have to wait much longer for official details.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to release in 2023 for PS5.

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