One online commenter shared their request for a suit in the upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man 2, following the release of the newest trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. The trailer features numerous Spider-Men from various universes, and fans of the Spider-Man franchise have already asked for their suits to appear as customization options in the upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man 2, which will release sometime this fall. While Sony has yet to announce any details about the upcoming Spider-Man game's customization options, or an official release date, many fans are eager to see their favorite iterations of the web-slinger's suit to make an appearance.

Marvel's Spider-Man released back in 2018 to critical acclaim, with one of its most notable features being the ability to select from up to 45 different Spider-Man suits from the comics and movies that players could wear while exploring New York City. Each of these customization options came with their own unique ability that impacted combat in various ways, with some being purely comical and other that drastically changed the flow of Marvel's Spider-Man's gameplay. One fan took to Reddit to share their own suit request for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, asking for a unique iteration of the character featured in the newest trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

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Reddit user karateema shared a screenshot of the upcoming Spider-Man film's trailer featuring the "Spider-Therapist" talking to another Spider-Man in the traditional costume from the comics, who is seated on the couch in Spider-Therapist's office. The online post jokingly asks "Spider-Therapist skin when?" in regard to Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and its various selectable suits. While Sony has yet to announce which suits will be making an appearance in the upcoming Spider-Man game, fans have already shared their own thoughts as to how Spider-Therapist could work as a customization option and what abilities he might have.

One commenter jokingly said "Suit power......therapy sessions" in reference to what special ability might accompany Spider-Therapist if he were to feature in the upcoming Spider-Man game. Another commenter mentioned that Spider-Therapist's unique ability might be "to talk it out and give the thugs a second chance." While most of the comments are a joke in response to karateema's meme, some actually identify how the suit could be an entertaining Spider-Man suit option.

Marvel's Spider-Man featured an unprecedented amount of customization for a superhero game, and managed to work in plenty of references to the characters roots in the comics. The game also featured remarkable mod support, allowing for fans to use their own favorite Spider-Man suits from the comics and movies. While no official release date has been revealed yet, fans are eagerly awaiting the upcoming Spider-Man game and what suits might be making an appearance.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available now on PC, PS4, and PS5.

MORE: Gameplay-Changing Suits Would be Amazing in Marvel's Spider-Man 2