The Marvel universe is full of interesting heroes, many of which have already been translated to the world of video games. Numerous Spider-Man games have been released that allow players to step into the shoes of the wall-crawler, while other games have focused on beloved characters like Wolverine. Iron Man has received a VR title, several heroes have been brought together through games like Marvel’s Avengers, and fans got to spend time with the Guardians of the Galaxy in a recent game from Eidos Montreal.

However, it is usually the major Marvel heroes that get time in the spotlight, with lesser-known characters only getting to shine in team-up games like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. While this is understandable, as heroes like Thor or Captain America are hugely popular and will attract a big audience through their status alone, it would be nice to see some other characters get a chance to shine. While cases have been made for Daredevil and Doctor Strange games, Moon Knight is another character that deserves his own game.

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Why a Moon Knight Game Would Work


Perhaps the biggest point in favor of a Moon Knight video game is the upcoming Disney Plus series starring Oscar Isaac. The actor looks brilliant in the role, and much like the MCU made household names out of other B-list heroes, Moon Knight will soon become more popular than he ever has been before. A game could capitalize on the hype generated by the show, giving the hero’s new fan base more content to enjoy.

Outside of capitalizing on the hype of the MCU’s Moon Knight, the very concept of the hero makes him a perfect fit for a video game. For those unfamiliar with him, Mark Spector has dissociative identity disorder due to an interaction with the Egyptian god Khonshu. Though this interaction gave him his abilities, it left his mind fractured and forces him to live several different lives.

These split personalities could provide some great storytelling, with a talented actor having the opportunity to show off their range by providing a different voice for every one of the identities. Further, each personality could provide a different type of gameplay for fans to enjoy. Obviously, Moon Knight himself would provide the game’s source of combat, wielding gadgets and taking down foes in a freeflow style similar to the Batman: Arkham series. However, it is the other personalities where developers could get more inventive.

The white suit-wearing Mr. Knight could provide detective gameplay, allowing players to track down clues when they are not getting into fights. Solving crimes could be a nice break from traditional combat, ensuring there is a bit of variety in players’ vigilantism. If a game wants to stick with the personalities from the upcoming show, the cabbie Jake Lockley could be used to give gamers access to some driving sections. With Lockley also gathering intel for Moon Knight, his gameplay sections could see players needing to make correct dialogue choices to learn about the game’s villains.

Even Marc Spector could provide a different type of gameplay, as gamers could partake in stealth missions like in Marvel’s Spider-Man when this personality is in control. Different combat styles for each personality would be fun, while it could also be entertaining to implement a mechanic that sees Moon Knight accidentally switch into another type of personality from time to time - taking away control from the player much like Marc Spector regularly loses control over his mind. With Moon Knight guaranteed to become more popular once his show releases, the unique Marvel hero deserves to enter the realm of video games soon.

MORE: The Case for a Marvel’s Thor Game