Before Sony’s Morbius movie came out, the character Dr. Michael Morbius was fairly obscure to anyone who does not have a great knowledge of Spider-Man or Blade villains in the Marvel universe. But thanks to this movie, in an unanticipated and backwards result, Morbius put the character on a map with an entertaining caveat. The movie was not necessarily received well, but fans took it upon themselves to find ironic adoration in how campy and schlocky it is. This led to the “It’s Morbin’ time” trend that has scoured the internet, and it is that time for Marvel’s Midnight Suns now too.

It is unclear whether Marvel’s Midnight Suns had already decided upon Morbius as a post-launch DLC character before the overwhelming notoriety of Morbius, or if his inclusion as a playable character was a clever decision made afterward in an attempt to ride that bandwagon while it is still hot. Either way, it has been known for some time that Morbius would be the third Marvel’s Midnight Suns DLC character to release, and he has suddenly been shadow-dropped into the game today with an accompanying gameplay breakdown from YouTuber Christopher Odd.

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Marvel’s Midnight Suns’ Morbius Plays Similarly to Captain Marvel


As Odd states, fans of Marvel’s Midnight Suns’ Captain Marvel will already have a firm grasp on how Morbius’ Hunger meter works. Playing Morbius cards builds his Hunger meter with a total of three stacks in the form of incremental bars, and once full it will draw Morbius’ Bloodlust heroic card, whereas for Captain Marvel her Binary card would be drawn once her own respective meter was filled.

This card is Free and aptly grants Morbius an amount of Block as well as the Bloodlust status effect, which applies one Bleed to all damage abilities and counterattacks while Morbius still has Block. However, Odd makes mention of Morbius dealing more damage against enemies who already have Bleed applied to them.

This could be done in a sequence of turns, with players first using Morbius to apply Bleed before capitalizing on it with heroic cards such as Feeding Frenzy, but this could be more efficient with an iconic pairing. Odd expresses that preparing a team with both Morbius and Blade is highly advantageous because Morbius can feed off of the Bleed that Blade dishes out, and this seems like an optimal way to spread Bleed among all enemies on the battlefield in a short amount of time anyhow.

Moreover, Morbius’ passive ability reduces the number of cards needed to fill the Hunger meter. Then, upgrading that passive through friendship levels in the Abbey further increases the amount of Bleed his damage cards apply, seemingly when playing the Bloodlust card.

Morbius’ Hypnotism is Given Limelight with ‘Charm’

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Morbius’ hypnotism is one of his rarer character abilities, and Marvel’s Midnight Suns has implemented it in a way that seems natural to its overall tactical gameplay. Indeed, Morbius’ Charm skill card targets an enemy minion in particular who will then attack a random ally of theirs.

Interestingly, the stipulation that a minion enemy is targeted is removed upon upgrade of this skill card. One other unique ability Morbius has in Marvel’s Midnight Suns is through his Mist Form skill card, which grants him Concealed and increases the damage for his next attack card. Concealed is a niche status effect that is not always particularly useful, but the damage boost might be significant enough for its use if players care to upgrade Mist Form and remove its Exhaust restriction.

Lastly, Morbius’ legendary Marvel’s Midnight Suns heroic card is Undying Fury, which simply damages an enemy with Bleed. The benefit to this simple card is that it can be upgraded to get rid of Exhaust as well, and it only has a heroism cost of two, making it practical for repeated uses if high damage on a single bleeding target is ideal.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns is out now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions coming later.

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