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With the knowledge that Captain marvel is one of the most powerful entities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's reasonable to try and get ahold of her as soon as possible in Marvel's Midnight Suns. After all, if players are taking on the game's toughest challenges, they'll want help from one of the best and she's it.

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Comic book enthusiasts may be more interested in seeing her Carol Danvers side. Thankfully, Marvel's Midnight Suns offers players a chance to meet her on a personal level. Getting her unlocked soon should therefore be a priority. Thankfully, players don't have to wait too long to get her in the party.

Unlocking Captain Marvel

Marvel's Midnight Suns Sanctum Symbiotum Mission On The Mirror Table
  • Complete the Sanctum Symbiotum mission.

After the tutorial section, one of the earliest missions players get from the Mirror Table is called Sanctum Symbiotum. Gamers will have already unlocked Blade and unlocked Doctor Strange, so the Hunter will have to take these three into combat for this particular battle.

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After beating Sanctum Symbiotum, Captain Marvel is available as is her deck. If she comes along on missions to acquire new cards with Gamma Coils, she can get even stronger. Before this point, players can hybrid tanks; Captain Marvel is the first full-blown tank they get access to.

When getting a chance to edit her deck, she becomes a nearly unkillable monster up front, both dealing damage to minions and giving herself a block amount. She won't be one-shotting any bosses, but even on the toughest settings, she's likely the most frustrating teammate for opponents to try and take down.

Players can choose the team they want to use in combat, certainly, and there are a few players that can fulfill the tank role. But Captain Marvel's best value is when she's fighting bosses. While some hybrid tanks can absorb a hit or two, she can take on a whole encounter without breaking a sweat.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Marvel's Midnight Suns Review