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With the random bonuses inside of each arcane chest in Marvel's Midnight Suns, any amount of increasing the odds of a cool skin or leisure piece is a welcome one. The most direct upgrade is done through arcane knowledge; the more the Hunter knows, the more they get out of each chest.

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Players will notice small, incremental bonuses as they interact with various objects in Marvel's Midnight Suns. But this is a very slow, drip-system way of gaining arcane knowledge. With a simple loop, players can get stacks of arcane knowledge every day.

Gaining Arcane Knowledge & Levels

Marvel's Midnight Suns Leveling Arcane Knowledge Loop
  1. Go to sleep
  2. Pet/Praise Charlie
  3. Interact with the books in the library
  4. Do a mission
  5. Repeat

The simple answer is that interacting with almost all objects for the first time increases arcane knowledge. But trying to find new objects every day is a tremendous waste of time unless players are actively trying to complete puzzles or gather collectibles and reagents.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Generate Heroism

The quickest way to gain arcane knowledge is to pet Charlie, the dog, every day. After that, visit the library which rotates random books daily. Sometimes an already-read book will get back into the loop, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Leveling Up Arcane Knowledge

By following this cycle, players can consistently increase their arcane knowledge every day. Eventually, this will fill up the meter and The Hunter will go up an arcane level. When the arcane levels increase, players will then be entitled to more rewards for each chest opened.

This is all about cosmetics. Players who want to increase their card levels and focus on combat more are not required to complete this routine. However, the process is simple and straightforward, encouraging players who even might dip their toes into the cosmetics pool to give it a whirl.

After unlocking Iron Man or one of the other heroes, it can be fun to dress them up differently. With a high arcane level, gamers will maximize their odds of finding something they enjoy.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Save