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Deck building is a delight in Marvel's Midnight Suns with all of the different customization opportunities. Players will get the chance to create a deck for each of their favorite heroes after acquiring some of their favorite card abilities for their cherished superheroes.

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The next step is upgrading and modding these cards. But that is a particularly pricy process that will cost more than a little essence. There is a way to stock up on essence in Marvel's Midnight Suns so players don't have to use cards that are less than ideal. There are several small ways to get essence, but these are the best and most expeditious ways.

Open Up Artifacts

Marvel's Midnight Suns Going On A Supply Run Mission

Although artifacts are most thought of as ways to raise research levels, they come along with a hefty amount of goodies after opening them. The artifact itself is discovered along with some of every kind of essence.

This is a great way to generally gather essence when the particular type doesn't matter. Players should do this early on in the game, hoarding essence of each type so that after they get a new card they've been wanting, they can immediately upgrade it.

Salvage Unwanted Cards

Marvel's Midnight Suns Salvaging A Card

It can be hard to say goodbye to cards early on in the game before players know what their ideal build for each deck is going to be. However, sometimes cards just stick out as being less than ideal, either with underwhelming capabilities or unrealistic heroism costs.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Generate Heroism

In these situations, it's best to simply get rid of the cards and put the essence gained to better use. Skill cards yield skill essence, heroic cards, yield heroic essence, and attack cards yield attack essence. This is ideal when acquiring a new card, wanting to use it, and knowing exactly what kind of essence is needed for the upgrade

Sweep The Abbey For Essence Orbs

Marvel's Midnight Suns Essence Orb Spawn Location

The abbey has essence orbs all over the place, with a few consistent locations to check. The forest around the abbey isn't packed with them, so don't bother searching the entire map. Stick to the ones in the common area, the yard, the war room, and the forge.

These orbs will spawn once when waking up and once again after a mission. Not picking them up is essentially passing up on free essence. The sweep doesn't take too long, so do it twice a day until every hero has their perfectly put-together deck.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.