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As far as tanks go in Marvel's Midnight Suns, Captain Marvel is tough to dispute as the best. She's also got solid damage, but it's usually reserved for when opponents attack her. To get her legendary card, she'll have to deal enough damage to a stationary target.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Get Eclipse Credits

These challenges aren't like most battles in the game. There are modifiers to the cards played, redraws, and moves. The cards received are preset and defined. There is usually only one way to beat this challenge in Marvel's Midnight Suns and this is the way to do it for Captain Marvel in Hero's Heart.

How To Beat Hero's Heart

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel's Challenge Guide
  1. Use the Cosmic Ray card on opponent 1.
  2. Use the Knee Strike card on opponent 1.
  3. Use the Fists of Radiance card on opponent 1, knocking it into the crystal.
  4. Use the Go Binary card.
  5. Use the Quick Jab card on opponent 1.
  6. Use the One Step Ahead card.
  7. Use the Regroup card.
  8. Use the All In card.
  9. Use the Fists of Radiance card on the crystal.
  10. Use the Rain of Blows card on the crystal.
  11. Use the Supernova card on the newly spawned crystal.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Generate Heroism

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 1

It can be tempting to go straight for the crystal, but Captain Marvel will need to gain some Heroism and strength by beating up on opponent 1 first. Until the opponent is down, do not target the crystal. Start off by using Cosmic Ray.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 2

Follow that up with a Knee Strike.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 3

Use Fists of Radiance on opponent 1 and direct the knockback effect to the left and into the crystal, damaging both targets.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 4

The Go Binary card pops up after using three Captain Marvel moves. With these three done, enter Binary mode to give her some block. This will be converted into offensive output in a moment.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 5

Finally, use Quick Jab to finish off opponent 1. Now it's just Captain Marvel and the crystal.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 6

Use One Step Ahead for some more cards.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 7

One of these new cards, Regroup, gives Captain Marvel more block, so use it now before converting the block strength into damage output.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 8

Now turn all of that block into power with the All In card gained from defeating the opponent.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 9

The remaining two cards have just enough damage to take out the crystal. Start with Fists of Radiance.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 10

Then finish the crystal off with Rain of Blows.

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Challenge Guide Step 11

Lastly, the Supernova card will appear in the player's hand. Use it on the newly spawned crystal.

This will unlock the legendary Supernova card for Captain Marvel. Edit the deck to add the card and get some practice with it.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.