The final DLC for Marvel's Midnight Suns looms on the horizon, and the community cannot wait to see what is in store. The last three DLC heroes have expanded the game in exciting ways and brought players on a new supernatural adventure that saw the likes of Mephisto and Dracula play a key role. The release of Storm will expand Marvel's Midnight Suns even further, and hopefully it can stick the landing,

Storm may not be the most obvious choice for a supernatural adventure like Marvel's Midnight Suns, but she actually has a lot of experience with vampyres. While it has never been portrayed on screen, Storm has spent time under Dracula's influence. This makes her the perfect choice for the final DLC pack, and it will be very interesting to see how Firaxis chooses to adapt this powerful mutant.

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Marvel's Midnight Suns' Storm DLC Will Bring the Story to its Climatic Conclusion

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The first three waves of Marvel's Midnight Suns' season pass have brought players on a new supernatural adventure disconnected from the main narrative. This story kicked off with "The Good, the Bad, and the Undead" which introduced the wisecracking Deadpool to the game. Supervillain Sin ended up unleashing infected vampyres upon the world, and it was up to the Hunter and Deadpool to stop her. They successfully destroyed the powerful Magna Corrigo, but Sin was able to escape and report to her master Dracula.

"Redemption" launched soon after, and it introduced Venom to the Midnight Suns. Spider-Man and the Hunter went out to locate Venom after they defeated him during Marvel's Midnight Suns main campaign, and they discovered that he had become infected after eating vampyres. Mephisto appeared and used this opportunity to strike a bargain with the Midnight Suns. In exchange for saving Venom, the heroes had to destroy the vampyres' primary nest, and force Dracula to retreat.

"The Hunger" pack added Michael Morbius to the Midnight Suns roster and saw the vampyres steal his prototype sunlight serum. They used it to protect themselves from the sun, and Dracula unleashed his army on the world. The heroes were able to stop him, and the vampyres succumbed to the light. Dracula was forced to flee into the sewers, and the vampyre threat was seemingly stopped.

While the Morbius DLC seemed to put an end to the vampyre threat, the Midnight Suns Storm DLC will likely see Dracula make one final play. For some reason, Storm will become involved in this conflict. There is a chance that the X-Men are threatened, or her specific abilities may be exactly what the Midnight Suns need to finally stop Dracula. There is a chance that she just stumbles upon the team like Deadpool did.

Firaxis may also be adapting Uncanny X-Men #159, in which Storm get bit by a vampyre and slowly changed into one of them. Dracula ended up taking an interest in her and wanted to complete her transformation himself. This put him in the X-Men's crosshairs, and Storm would ultimately be freed of his influence. There is also a version where she fully transforms and adopts the moniker of Bloodstorm. Firaxis could be following this plot but replacing the X-Men with the Midnight Suns. There is also a chance that she has already been changed into a vampyre, and it will be up to the Midnight Suns to free her.

Firaxis has not revealed anything about the Storm DLC yet, but it will likely shed some light on it soon. It will hopefully bring this narrative arc to a satisfying conclusion, and Storm should be a powerful addition to the roster. There is a chance that more DLC is planned, but right now it seems like the Midnight Suns fun will finally be coming to an end with one of Marvel's most powerful mutants.

Marvel’s Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S, with PS4, Switch, and Xbox One versions coming later.

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