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In Marvel's Midnight Suns players will spend a large amount of time fighting off the forces of Hydra, assorted demons, and supervillains. In tougher fights having someone who can take a hit is essential, so this guide will cover the best tanks available in the game, and how they work.

Marvel's Midnight Suns requires players to carefully consider their moves in order to succeed, especially when playing on the higher difficulties, and that means assembling a solid team to take on the myriad threats each mission offers. One very useful addition to a good team is a Tank, to draw attention and soak up hits on behalf of the party.

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Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel in Marvel's Midnight Suns

The First Tank the game offers to players is Captain Marvel, whose moveset specializes in dealing damage and generating Block while drawing enemy attention. Captain Marvel can make use of cards like Bring It On! to draw attention from large groups of enemies at once and counterattack, while attacks like Knee Strike allow her to generate Block whilst attacking and taunting a target. Quick Strike is another valuable card here, taunting foes and replenishing card uses if it takes out the target, and it gains knockback if Captain Marvel is in Binary form.

Her Heroic Cards include Photon Beam for dealing massive damage in a line and taunting, while Supernova can be situationally useful for dealing AOE damage and gaining a resistance buff.

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Captain Marvel has a unique ability, Binary. When three Captain Marvel cards are played the player will draw a free "Go Binary" card, which allows Captain Marvel to enter Binary form. While in Binary form she gains extra damage, a ton of extra Block, and many of her cards gain additional effects. Binary form sticks around until she runs out of Block, meaning it can be extended by giving her an extra Block.

Captain Marvel makes for an excellent Tank with good damage potential too, and as the first available Tank, she's an excellent choice throughout the game.

Captain America

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain America Punching A Foe

Captain America is the second tank to become available for deployment, joining after the mission at Avengers Tower and playing a starring role in that mission too. Cap is a tremendously effective tank who can also convert some of his blocks into extra damage using cards like Shield Bash. By making good use of his aggro drawing abilities like Dig In, which can grab the attention of all enemies currently targeting an ally while gaining Block and Counter, Captain America can easily draw enemy attention and protect squishier allies.

Cap also has a fantastic damage-reducing ability known as Tactician. When upgraded it draws two cards, generates Block for Cap, and gives half of that Block amount to all of his allies. This makes it a fantastic option in any fight, especially when dealing with foes that use AOE attacks. With Heroic cards like SPANG! that deal extra damage to any enemy targeting Cap, and Shield Bounce for drawing aggro and debuffing the enemy at the same time, Captain America makes for an excellent pick when facing any threat.

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It's also worth noting that Captain America has the passive skill "All Day", which causes him to begin each encounter with Block and generate extra Block at the start of each turn, making him excellent at mitigating damage.


Marvel's Midnight Suns Meeting Wolverine

Differing heavily from the previous two, Wolverine is a rather different breed of tank, relying on soaking hits and then healing back up. His passive skill "Healing Factor" allows him to heal every time one of his cards is drawn, which pairs well with the Berserk skill card. The Berserk skill card allows Wolverine to immediately draw two of his cards and add lifesteal to all of his attacks for the rest of the turn, allowing him to dish out the pain and heal any damage he sustained in the last turn. He also automatically draws a Rapid Regeneration card the first time he's downed in an encounter, allowing him to revive for free with 50% of his health.

When it comes to dishing out said pain, Chain Swipes is a fantastic option for linking together three attacks and gaining a ton of health back quickly, while Piercing Slash can be used for cracking enemy blockers. When raw damage is needed, Lethal Pounce is the weapon of choice for single-target damage with a nice buff on the side. Running a copy of Rapid Healing can also be useful, allowing Wolverine to cure negative effects on himself even when otherwise unable to act.

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Wolverine even has a spectacularly powerful legendary heroic card called Midnight Special, allowing him to spend all available Heroism to hit as many enemies as there was heroism, the damage increasing based on the amount of heroism spent. This can tear through large groups in mere moments, making for a fantastic room-clearing move.

Wolverine is excellent at drawing Aggro thanks to moves like Chain Swipes, and his excellent health recovery rate allows him to quickly recover from most attacks.

The Hulk

marvel's midnight suns hulk gameplay breakdown showcase odd bruce banner

As the final character to be recruited in the entire game, the Hulk simply isn't an option for most of the game. Fortunately, once he joins the team he proves a tremendously effective tank and damage dealer who fills up a rage meter by taking damage, which is then spent to strengthen his attacks or heal himself. By using the Always Angry skill card Hulk can spend rage to heal himself, and overhealing will increase his maximum health, so he can take even more punishment. Additionally, an upgraded Always Angry skill card will grant an extra segment for the rage meter when overhealing, allowing Hulk to store up even more Rage to boost his damage.

Cards like Seismic Slam allow the Hulk to deal AOE damage and taunt large groups of enemies, and Challenging Roar lets him taunt more precisely while also generating rage and gaining Counter. Taking the time to snag his legendary heroic card, Worldbreaker, is well worth the effort too, allowing him to damage and forcefully knock back all enemies, gaining a point of rage for every enemy KO'd by this effect.

Despite coming to the party late, the Hulk is well worth the wait with a berserker playstyle that rewards taking damage and dishing it back out.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S, and is coming soon to PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.