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Marvel's Midnight Suns is a strategy-based RPG that brings together famous Marvel heroes and villains in an original story. Players will undergo turn-based combat using attack cards for the heroes available on missions. Every hero has strengths and fighting methods, including offensive or defensive tactics. While dealing damage is essential, having a supportive backup is vital to ensure the best chance of winning.

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Support can come from health restoration, stalling, or secondary effects. Many magic users lean toward defensive roles, but there is some merit in bulkier characters. Most missions allow players to select three heroes to fight with, and a well-balanced team is essential. The below heroes are the best support fighters in Midnight Suns.

Captain America

Midnight Suns Captain America

Captain America works best as a defensive wall. He joins the fray after players first battle Crossbones, and while he's distrustful of the Hunter's dark energy, he will quickly become a fierce friend and ally in battle. His shield being his weapon of choice means that he is mainly stacked with Taunt and Block cards meaning he can focus all damage on him and withstand it. Of course, his strength can be utilized with some of his punch moves but compared to others, his damage output is low.

Cap is a considerable asset for missions with large enemies, significantly Fallen Hulk, who can't be KO'd, and players have to survive his thrashing. His card Dig In can be a lifesaver for his allies as it takes all enemies focused on them and shifts their attention to him while more than doubling his defenses. Players can follow it up with SPRANG!, which gains +82 damage if he is being targeted, or hit multiple enemies with Shield Bounce, although both require Heroism.


Midnight Suns Spider-Man

Spider-Man is a household name as far as comic book superheroes go. Players get access to him early on after their second time fighting the first Fallen villain, Venom. His youthfulness and somewhat aloof energy are contagious, so getting along with him once he joins the teams is easy. His support role in battle shows itself very differently than Captain America's brute force. Spider-Man's specialty is using environmental objects and Knockbacks to destroy enemies and build Heroism.

Spider-Man also has access to bind attacks using his webs, so he can stall dangerous enemies and deal lots of damage in one go. He doesn't have much power behind his attacks, but he works well on missions with many weak enemies. His chain attacks shine in those situations as well. He builds up Heroism simultaneously, so his brawler allies like Ghost Rider or Captain Marvel can swoop in and deal severe damage.

Doctor Strange

Midnight Suns Dr. Strange

Doctor Strange almost exclusively plays a support role in Midnight Suns, but that is where he works best. At the Abbey, he spends most of his time with Tony Stark in the Forge focusing on ancient artifacts and upgrading suits or machinery. He is a part of the opening tutorial, so players get a taste of what he is capable of from the beginning. Doctor Strange is one of the first heroes available to players in combat after the tutorial.

Many of his cards will grant his allies more damage or generate lots of Heroism. For example, his best card is Agamotto's Gaze due to its various perks. It gives Heroism, increases the damage of the final two attack cards, and increases the player's card plays from 3 to 4 on the next go around. Doctor Strange also has access to defensive cards like Vapors of Valtorr, which grants conceal to him or an ally, or Shield of the Seraphim, which gives resistance to him and all his partners.

Nico Minoru

nico minoru in marvel's midnight suns

Nico is one of the witches of the Midnight Suns and one of the founders of the EMO Kids club at the Abbey. Despite her dark aesthetic, her personality is quite bubbly, and she quickly warms up to the Hunter. Her power source is a magical staff called the Staff of One, which requires blood to activate its powers. This is reflected in gameplay subtly, and her cards come at the risk of only hitting random targets or having unexpected effects. So, while she has quite a few support options, it can be a hit or a miss relying on her skills in battle.

Nico's best attacks, Witchfire, Witchstorm, and Swarm, have aspects that will be random, but they are powerful regardless of who they hit. They can be strengthened with her card Curse and apply Stun, Marked, Vulnerable, or Weak to her enemies. The most helpful card she has is Empower. Empower draws a Heroic card and then makes all Heroic cards in hand, freeing her allies with powerful hits that require large amounts of Heroism to strike.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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