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The enigmatic Doctor Strange is a powerhouse support caster in Marvel's Midnight Suns. While he does have the capability to deal damage on his own, his best skills are the ones that boost his teammates and unleash the damage dealers, enabling and enhancing their most powerful abilities.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Get Eclipse Credits

This is only one way to succeed with Doctor Strange in Marvel's Midnight Suns. The game can be beaten on the toughest difficulties with a variety of builds for the Sorceror Supreme, this is just one effective way to do it. Players that feel they do better with another deck should feel validated by their success in combat.

Best Deck For Doctor Strange

Marvel's Midnight Suns Doctor Strange Casting A Spell

Card Name



Heroism +/-


Winds of Watoomb+




Knockback. Quick. Enhanced with 3 Heroism: Forceful Knockback.

Winds of Watoomb+




Knockback. Quick. Enhanced with 3 Heroism: Forceful Knockback.

Agamotto's Gaze+




Draw the last 2 Attacks played. Give drawn Attacks + damage until played or discarded. Start next turn with 4 Card Plays.

Agamotto's Gaze+




Draw the last 2 Attacks played. Give drawn Attacks + damage until played or discarded. Start next turn with 4 Card Plays.

Blessing of Vishanti+




Give cards in your hand + damage for the rest of the mission.

Blessing of Vishanti+




Give cards in your hand + damage for the rest of the mission.

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak+




Apply Bind. Apply 1 Vulnerable.

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak+




Apply Bind. Apply 1 Vulnerable.

Nobody in the game generates Heroism as well as Doctor Strange. This deck is not only a great net positive for Heroism, but it stacks with his passive that has a chance to generate Heroism every turn. Suddenly those expensive heroic abilities for the game's greatest damage dealers are easily playable in the very first round.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Generate Heroism

This deck is mostly common with a few rare cards. While this is certainly not the most exciting way to build Doctor Strange's deck, cards of higher rarity tend to get more expensive to play. They also focus on Doctor Strange's output. While it may be viable to have Doctor Strange as a primary damage dealer, that build ignores what he does best. This deck is easy to build and powerful from start to finish.

Try modding these cards to press the advantage even further. Mod bonuses can't be guaranteed, but even a bad roll gives a small boost to every card.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.