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Most Marvel fans still recall the first time they played Marvel Ultimate Alliance since it was the first game to allow players to form a team of their favorite heroes and villains. And while Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order did improve on some features, like adding Synergy Attacks, it still falls short of the original Ultimate Alliance.

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Fortunately, Marvel's Midnight Suns gameplay and story have brought back all the fond memories of playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance. But, 2K's Midnight Suns has also introduced several unique gameplay mechanics that allow players to mold their own team. Players are also free to create unique Hero Decks, but one type of Card players must carefully choose is the Attack Cards. And with each hero having specific Attack Cards, players should learn which ones will help them throughout their playthrough of Marvel's Midnight Suns.

5 Blood for Blood - Nico Minoru

Marvel's Midnight Suns Nico Minoru Attack Card
  • On KO, restore Health to Nico Minoru or an ally (selected randomly).

Nico Minoru in Midnight Suns proves to be a powerful support character that can still support her team with unique healing abilities (especially after Modding them). And while many of Nico Minoru Heroic Cards can wipe several enemies at once, her Attack Cards tend to be more effective in combat, especially Cruse (randomly applies Marked, Stun, Vulnerable, or Weak).

But, one of the best Attack Cards for Nico Minoru in Marvel's Midnight Suns is Blood for Blood, as it heals her or an ally upon KO'ing an enemy. Furthermore, players can upgrade this Attack Card to increase its overall Damage (+200% Offense), guaranteeing a KO. But, to unlock that potential, players should complete Nico Minoru's friendship quest in Midnight Suns

4 Chain Strike - Spider-Man

Marvel's Midnight Suns Spider-Man Attack Card
  • If target will be KO'd, Chain to another target. (Maximum 2 targets.)

In Midnight Suns, the Spider-Man Challenge can be quite difficult without the right guidance, but once completed players gain a powerful Heroic Card (Infernal Spider). And with that new Card, players can make the best Midnight Suns Spider-Man build, but they'll also need to include the Attack Card Chain Strike. And that's because this Attack Card allows Spider-Man to target (and damage) 2 other enemy units if the initial one is KO'ed.

To top it off, players that upgrade the Attack Card to + will be able to attack 4 enemies instead of 2. This is an excellent Attack Card to quickly remove pesky minions from battles without having to sacrifice Heroism, which is quite scarce at the start of a battle. Undoubtedly, Spider-Man is one of the best Midnight Suns characters, thanks to his amazing Heroic, Skill, and Attack Cards.

3 Knee Strike - Captain Marvel

Marvel's Midnight Suns Captain Marvel Attack Card
  • Taunt. Gain Block equal to damage dealt.

Despite being classified as a Tank in Marvel's Midnight Suns, Captain Marvel still can pack a punch, especially once she goes Binary. Nonetheless, players should use Captain Marvel primarily as a Tank since her Skill and Attack Cards are mostly defensive. And one effective Attack Card is Knee Strike, which Taunts an enemy and grants Captain Marvel Block (equal to the damage dealt).

While Knee Strike may not seem too powerful, it's the perfect Attack Card to use during the early phases of a battle or if players need to distract an enemy unit from an injured hero. This Attack Card, allows players to create one of the best Midnight Suns Captain Marvel decks.

2 Reaper - Blade

Marvel's Midnight Suns Blade Attack Card
  • Consume all Bleed on a target to deal remaining damage immediately.

Midnight Suns' Blade and Carol portray a charming relationship that no Marvel fan was expecting, but on top of that sweet center, Blade is a ruthless vampire killer. And one of Blade's signature attributes is inflicting massive DoT (damage over time) damage, thanks to his passive (10% chance to inflict Bleed on enemies). On top of that, most of his Skill, Heroic, and Attack Cards also inflict Bleed.

The only issue with Bleed is that it sometimes takes too long for an enemy to "bleed out," which can be an issue if players need that particular enemy eliminated. That's when the Reaper Attack Card comes into play, as it will activate the entire Bleed damage in one go. Without any doubt, Blade is a must-have hero on any team (not to mention Midnight Suns' Blade has one of the best skins in the game).

1 Trap Door - Magik

Marvel's Midnight Suns Magik Attack Card
  • Move an enemy.

A fun side mission players can start in Midnight Suns is Magik's birthday party, which is an excellent moment for players to get to know this unique magical being. One feature that makes Magik stand out is her ability to reposition enemies on the battlefield. Unfortunately, most new players make the mistake of not taking full advantage of this unique skill.

Players can use this mechanism to position enemies closer together and unleash a powerful AOE attack or move them farther away from an injured ally. That's why Trap Door is an essential Attack Card to use in a Magik Deck since it allows players to move enemies without wasting Heroism. Undoubtedly, the ability to easily reposition an enemy is what makes this Attack Card one of the best ones in Marvel's Midnight Suns.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Complete Guide To Marvel's Midnight Suns: Tips, Collectibles, Cards, And More