One of the most significant choices in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy happens on Knowhere in Chapter 8 when the team goes back to see Cosmo. He has given in to The Promise, and traps the Guardians in a psychic hold.

It's important to try and help Cosmo in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy break free from The Promise so he can offer assistance to the team near the end of the game. It's not needed to get a satisfying conclusion to the story, but it does help with the tone of the ending, and makes a future combat situation easier.

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How to Help Cosmo in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy knowhere chapter 8

To help Cosmo, players must choose the nice dialogue options that remind Cosmo of Knowhere and his puppies in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Focusing on his time on Earth will only encourage him to sink further into The Promise.

This means that for the first option, players should pick "Offer Hand." This reminds Cosmo that Star-Lord in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy has always been friendly to him, and will start to set doubt in his mind as to where he really is.

For the second choice, pick "Focus on Present."The Universal Church of Truth in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is creating a fantasy for the dog with The Promise. It has placed him back on Earth with his old family. Cosmo will start to come round a little after being reminded about his life on Knowhere.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy rocket racoon chapter 8 decision

Lastly, players should pick the "Remind About Puppies" option. This will fully break Cosmo from his fantasy, and he will go running after his puppies. Helping him means a small puzzle at the end of the chapter will be skipped while players are escaping. Helping Cosmo results in a shorter chapter length compared with failing to help him.

Helping Cosmo also comes in useful near the end of the game, but he is still mentioned in the epilogue regardless of whether he was assisted on Knowhere or not. Players can always finish the chapter and then replay it from the main menu if they want to experience how the level ends if Cosmo is not helped.

While replaying, comic-inspired outfits in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy can be searched for. There are also collectibles for each team member hidden in every level, and data can be added to Star-Lord's collection by finding Archive notes.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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