Marvel’s Avengers fans have had several days to enjoy the game’s free War for Wakanda expansion, and many would agree that it is the best DLC for the game thus far. While it does have some issues, as it is on the shorter side, it has plenty of strengths. Christopher Judge’s T’Challa adds a lot to the cast, while the region of Wakanda is a breath of fresh air when compared to the game’s relatively bland locations.

For Marvel’s Avengers players that have kept up with all the content thus far, there are some things that should feel familiar and different from what has released thus far. When comparing Future Imperfect to War for Wakanda, for instance, some interesting comparisons can be drawn. From regions and bosses to overall playtime, here is everything that either separates T’Challa’s journey from Clint’s or makes the two Operations similar.

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Similarities: Fresh Regions, Heroes, And A Singleplayer Opening In Marvel’s Avengers


One major similarity that both Future Imperfect and War for Wakanda share is that they introduce a new region - something that sets them apart from Kate Bishop’s Taking Aim Operation. As such, it seems like fans should expect most Operations to come with a new region for the featured hero to explore. However, the country of Wakanda is very different from the post-apocalyptic wasteland that featured inside of Clint Barton’s new story content.

Wakanda feels alive and full of love, as players explore a detailed jungle region that honors the fictional country’s legacy. Plenty of neat details can be found in this world, with panther statues and architecture making it feel hugely different from the game’s other regions. Similarly, Hawkeye’s Wasteland is nothing like the launch locations, as the future was not kind to Clint Barton. In the Wasteland, players can find decimated structures and ruined cityscapes, making it stand out from the present-day world that The Avengers had been fighting for.

Another obvious similarity between the two pieces of post-launch content is the fact that both expansions came with a new hero to play as. Hawkeye featured a moveset that, while similar to Kate Bishop’s, brought fresh arrow types and heavier swordplay. T’Challa’s kit is more unique, featuring a memorable Pounce attack and special daggers that debuff foes so that melee damage is stronger. While some may prefer Black Panther’s abilities over Hawkeyes, or vice versa, adding new heroes with each major content drop is clearly the standard format for Marvel’s Avengers releases.

The final noteworthy similarity between the two content drops is their opening. Future Imperfect has a singleplayer mission that introduces players to the Wasteland and Clint’s playstyle. Similarly, War for Wakanda opens with a solo mission that provides some backstory on Crystal Dynamics’ version of the nation and its leader. These two missions do a great job of setting the stage and showing players why they should consider sticking with each character and leveling them up. Beyond these similarities, however, War for Wakanda is a fair bit different from Future Imperfect.

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Differences: War For Wakanda’s Longer Runtime, Bosses, And New Enemy Faction


The clearest difference between War for Wakanda and Future Imperfect is their runtime. While War for Wakanda offers eight hours of content for players looking to complete its side missions, as well as several additional hours for those that make Black Panther their main, its story is roughly four hours long. While many had hoped it would be lengthier than that, the narrative is well told, and T’Challa’s adventure is about twice as long as Clint’s. With Future Imperfect taking two hours to complete, players can spend a good bit more time with War for Wakanda.

Outside of its length, the game features an Outpost, something that was not added alongside Future Imperfect. The Birnin Zana palace is stunning, and it is filled with characters for players to interact with. Zawavari, for example, has already teased several heroes for the game, including the likes of Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange. Shuri and Okoye both serve as trusted advisors to T’Challa, and the location is packed with interesting intel to pick up on. Players can converse with the other Avengers and visit vendors, too, with T’Challa’s throne even able to be sat in. This is all a fair bit different from Future Imperfect, as Old Man Hawkeye was the only new ally seen in that DLC.

War for Wakanda also offers two bosses compared to the one seen inside of Future Imperfect. While Maestro Hulk boasted an interesting story in the comics, little of it was seen in-game. Likewise, his fight was a bit too familiar given how much fellow gamma monster Abomination has been fought since the game launched. However, Klaue and Crossbones make for a much more memorable encounter. Not only is Klaue’s story interesting, but fighting two bosses at once makes for a nice change of pace. The addition of two named foes also helps to solve the game’s problem when it comes to the frustratingly low number of boss fights.

Perhaps the most important difference between the two expansions is War for Wakanda’s Klaue faction. Future Imperfect introduced no new enemy types outside of Maestro, with players still fighting AIM bots in the far-off future. However, T’Challa’s expansion features several new enemies for players to fight, with each boasting completely different attacks from what players are used to. The robotic spiders known as Crawlers are particularly fun to fight, as they bring some combat variety to a game that has often been criticized for its repetitiveness.

These new enemies bring two fresh status effects as well, with Sonic and corrupted Vibranium statuses available to wield and fight against. New objectives like horde mode come as well, with smaller activities like corrupted Vibranium destruction available in the Warzones. Puzzles not seen in Future Imperfect or the day one content appear, too, with other additions like Marvel's Avengers new HUD launching with the expansion. Overall, it is a fair bit larger than Future Imperfect, something that most fans should notice upon playing through the content themselves. As such, hopefully big expansions like War for Wakanda will become more frequent, as they could be used to forge a bright future for the game.

Marvel’s Avengers is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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