While gamers have already voiced their concerns and frustrations over the cosmetic systems in Marvel's Avengers, a new issue has seemingly taken things to an alarming level. Numerous reports from players online suggest there is a bug with the skins in Marvel's Avengers that can apparently remove them from a player's inventory.

Claims of missing skins appeared on the Marvel's Avengers subreddit during its early access period this week, but for some it was a confusing situation. Players had thought they earned a skin for one of the playable Marvel heroes in the game, but then noticed that they no longer had that skin unlocked.

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Because there are so many systems at play with the cosmetics in Marvel's Avengers – from the Challenge Card for each hero to the in-game cosmetic store – some thought that maybe they didn't actually earn the skin. Others were confident that they had the skin but the game took it away from them – seemingly “eating” the skin.

Then, one Marvel's Avengers player, SkyTheIrishGuy, was able to show video evidence of a skin disappearing. Funnily enough, this player was trying to show how a different skin was missing from his inventory in the video by only telling viewers that he used to have it unlocked, but then a different skin disappeared right as he was recording. In total, that was two different Iron Man skins “eaten” by the game, and one that the player said he really liked.

In the comments of the Reddit post there are many other Marvel's Avengers players who are frustrated that they are not the only ones to have experienced this problem and relieved to know that they aren't going crazy. Having not personally experienced the missing skin issue – but several others that revolve around the game's cosmetics – it's clear that something is amiss with the game.

Hopefully, developer Crystal Dynamics has some safeguards in place that will be able to determine which skins a player has unlocked and reissue them to any affected. As of this writing, the devs have not responded to the Reddit thread or acknowledged the bug on their list of “known issues” with Marvel's Avengers.

Missing items in any game is bound to be frustrating, but for Marvel's Avengers this is more than that. There have already been major concerns and criticisms raised towards the game's approach to cosmetics and the microtransactions that can support them. While the Reddit thread doesn't say if this person affected paid for the skin, the fact that a purchased skin can disappear is very concerning. It's only technically the first 24 hours of the game's launch, and already some of the game's systems are failing.

Marvel's Avengers is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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