The announcement that Spider-Man will appear in Marvel's Avengers but exclusively on PlayStation is breaking a lot of hearts. Initially, there was a lot of hope that he would appear in the base game, but now it's known that Sony's exclusive rights to Spidey will still have an impact. Although it's disappointing, Crystal Dynamics can still make up for it. The key is to make sure that Xbox players get something unique in Marvel's Avengers to make up for limited access to Spidey -- and so that the PS4 version doesn't knock the Xbox version out of the park in sales. There's lots of unique Marvel heroes that could appear on the Xbox version to keep the playing field level. Here are a few big names that might make the cut.



When Marvel fans think of heroes like Spider-Man that often end up teaming up with the Avengers, the X-Men offer some of the most plausible allies. Out of them, Wolverine ,is probably the top pick to represent them. Not only is he one of the most well-known X-Men, Wolverine transcends his own team; just about any Marvel fan would agree that he's become one of the biggest faces of the Marvel universe. He would be a great trade-off for Spider-Man -- one iconic Marvel character for another.

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He'd also be a pretty unique addition to the cast based on what's known so far. Wolverine's iconic claws might be simple weapons, but they're deadly, and he knows how to use them. His regenerative abilities would unquestionably come into play too, making him durable but formidable. Between his abilities and his rich history with Marvel, he seems like a good choice for an Xbox exclusive hero.


New Mutants Storm X-Men Apocalypse Alexandra Shipp

Wolverine isn't the only member of the X-Men that would be a formidable team member in Marvel's Avengers. Another acclaimed member of the X-Men is Storm, the famed mutant with unmatched power over weather patterns. Storm is not to be trifled with; often regarded as one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel universe, she is a descendant of a long line of talented African sorceresses and often regarded as a born leader. She's one of the faces of her own superhero team, but that'd hardly keep her from helping the Avengers.

There's a ton of potential in Storm as a playable character. It'd certainly be satisfying to put her powers to use, rebuking AIM's minions with wind and lightning, controlling the battlefield with a storm of her own creating. It'd also be exciting to have another flying character in the roster, even if flight doesn't necessarily make one Marvel's Avengers character stronger than another. It's such an iconic superhero ability -- there's no harm in having more of it available. Storm's weather powers paired with her flight would really set her apart.

Invisible Woman

Fantastic Four Flash Thompson MCU

There's another New York based superhero team that seems like an ideal choice for a team-up with the cast of Marvel's Avengers. The Fantastic Four have been defending New York City and the world at large for about as long as the members of the Avengers have, even if they haven't spawned as much cinematic and video game media as their Avengers counterparts. If one member of the team were to join Marvel's Avengers, it would be best it were someone that stands out from the crowd. The Thing and the Hulk are fairly similar in their powers, for instance, as are Ms. Marvel and Mr. Fantastic.

With that in mind, Susan Storm or the Invisible Woman would be an ideal candidate to join Marvel's Avengers. Her powers don't really compare to anyone already in the cast. Her invisibility might be the power that she's named for, but that belies the full extent of her abilities. Susan Storm's force fields are highly versatile. She can apply them in all sorts of ways, be they offensive or defensive, adding a lot to the available playstyles in the game.

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Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange

Between the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and the Avengers, it's pretty clear that New York City is completely riddled with superheroes. It's the epicenter of the Marvel universe, and even all those names don't cover everyone responsible for protecting NYC from villainous forces. Another name on that list is Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme keeping watch over Earth and using his magic to protect it from all kinds of eldritch, otherwordly dangers. He's well established as an ally and member to the Avengers, so he'd hardly be out of place.

There's so much to be done with a playable Doctor Strange. His mastery of magic is far-reaching and ensures that he would be a powerful addition to the team, capable of fending off the forces of AIM at any range. He also has a wealth of magical artifacts that could come into play. Just to name one of the most iconic, the Cloak of Levitation would make Doctor Strange a new flying character in Marvel's Avengers. The cryptic sorcerer might be just the right addition for the Xbox version.


Deadpool 3 Logan Marvel Studios Fox Ryan Reynolds

There's another Marvel hero that would get a ton of attention if he was announced as an Xbox exclusive. Deadpool is a huge fan favorite, and he's gotten tons of attention in recent years, including two blockbuster movies just for him. Exciting as it would be, he'd probably be one of the most controversial picks possible because he's so popular. Some players might feel very torn if they had to choose between Spider-Man and Deadpool, but it goes without saying that it would give the Xbox version just what it needs to compete with the PS5 version.

Deadpool might have a little competition from Black Widow and the upcoming Hawkeye in terms of becoming an iconic marksman in Marvel's Avengers. Thankfully he's got more than enough to set him apart, whether it's his swordsmanship, his remarkable strength and agility, or his iconic healing factor. Of course, outside of the practical gaming aspects, there's a lot of fun to be had for both players and scriptwriters with the "Merc with a Mouth." He'd stand out a little compared to the rest of the cast, but his demeanor is so iconic that the Marvel fanbase probably wouldn't mind.

Marvel's Avengers releases on September 4 for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, and will release later for PS5 and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Marvel's Avengers: Everything You Need To Know About Ms Marvel