Marvel’s Avengers, one of the most exciting new game releases of September, might have broken records in game sales and even beaten Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 as the best selling game of the week, but fans have been quick to point out the game’s flaws.

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The game has spawned hundreds of memes due to its stodgy gameplay and weird-looking character models. On the face of it, Marvel’s Avengers is a fun multiplayer experience, but it is massively flawed and gamers have exposed that by slamming together clips of the game, viral memes, and hilarious haikus.

10 The Character Design Reveal

When the character designs for the game were revealed and they looked absolutely nothing like their on-screen counterparts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it spawned a wave of backlash and memes. The funniest of all of them being a photo that one fan dug up from an old Saturday Night Live sketch where the cast are all dressed as The Avengers, with Jeremy Renner reprising his role of Hawkeye. The SNL cast actually look much more like the Avengers than the game character designs, especially Kate McKinnon as Black Widow. And ironically, Hawkeye is the only character of them all not to be in the game.

9 Space Balls Comparisons

One of the most hilarious comparisons that fans have made of Captain America’s physique and look is that he is reminiscent of an over-the-hill P.E. teacher who has recently gone through a divorce, and that Black widow looks like a cross between Scarlett Johansson and Lord Farquaad, the antagonist of Shrek. Those comparisons inspired a fan to juxtapose the promotional poster of the game with a shot from the cult comedy Space Balls, a parody of Star Wars where the characters are strange interpretations of the ones from the iconic franchise.

8 Tony Stark’s Character Design

Gamers and movie buffs have been quick to find similarities between Square Enix’s approach to the character models of The Avengers and movie stars. This match goes beyond just having the same hair and facial grooming, as this image of Stark looks like the doppelganger of Luke Wilson. The only thing that Wilson is missing is an arc reactor in his chest.

7 Hulk’s Clothing

It isn’t the fist time that Hulk’s clothing has come in to question in games, movies, and TV, such as why his clothes grow just as he grows, as surely his jean shorts and shirt would tear off entirely, and even in one of the best super hero games of the 2000s the problem wasn’t addressed. But Marvel’s Avengers take it to another level. As Hulk’s shirt in the game is all torn apart, there are still threads that some how have not burst, which has inspired fans to hilariously compare his shirt to the strongest materials in the world.

6 Price For Likenesses

Though the cast of the Marvel Cinematic Universe might appreciate love from their fans, their likeness comes at a price, and as they have all become worth ten of millions thanks to these movies, the cost of their likeness won’t come cheap.

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As both Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth each make around $40 million per movie, And Mark Ruffalo and Scarlett Johansson make $10 million each, the cost to use their likenesses would cost more than the entire budget of the game! But Square Enix went with designs that kind of look like the stars, but kind of don’t, which has a totally jarring result.

5 Jarvis Even More Frustrated Than Gamers

One of the great things about Marvel’s Avengers is the enormous amount of content, whether it’s exploring every nook and cranny of every map for tiny Easter eggs, or if players are off gallivanting on side missions in the middle of a war zone. It will ultimately make the main mission tougher and longer, but there are so many pleasant and pretty distractions in the game that it’s hard for players to follow a linear path.

4 You’re A Wizard, Bruce!

Though Harry Potter hasn’t had the best video game performance, but the wizard is seeing much more financial success in Marvel’s Avengers. Wait, that’s Bruce Banner. Where Square Enix remodeled the character that was made famous by Mark Ruffalo because they couldn’t his likeness, the developer may have to prepare to take on Warner Bros., as the resemblance between Banner and Potter is almost uncanny. The only thing missing here is the lightning scar on his forehead.

3 Spider-Man Being Exclusive To PlayStation

When it was announced that DLC was being released where players can play as Spider-Man, it was the best news anybody could have heard, especially as it was coming off the heels as one of the best Spider-Man games of all time.

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However, it came with the news that Spider-Man would be a PlayStation exclusive, meaning Xbox fans wouldn’t get the luxury. Xbox fans’ frustration with the announcement was put perfectly when a fan edited Spider-Man out of a shot of Captain America: Civil War, which shows several of the game’s playable/future playable characters.

2 Thor’s Resemblance To Haymitch

Marvel's Avengers Thor and Haymitch from Hunger Games

These two characters might share a fun sense of humor, but that isn’t all they share. Fans have noticed that Thor looks an awful lot like Haymitch Abernathy, a major character in the Hunger Games series, and by extension of that, a massive resemblance to the actor who portrays him, Woody Harrelson. In an alternate reality, Woody Harrelson did play Thor and it was probably brilliant.

1 Marvel's Avengers’ Turrets

There are many games that have had frustrating moments well documented, but the turrets in Marvel’s Avengers is one of the most tormenting and unavoidable things to come out of any game in ten years, and is undoubtedly the most annoying part of the game. As most of the time players can’t even see the turrets, this meme puts it perfectly. UNO is one the most frustrating card games in history, and players can be tiresomely unlucky, but picking up 25 cards is still more entertaining than encountering those damn turrets.

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