Square Enix is currently riding a pretty big high lately following the recently released and well received Final Fantasy VII Remake. However, the company has even more planned for 2020 as Marvel's Avengers is still scheduled for launch later this year after getting delayed out of its original spring release window. Even with the game a few months away, Crystal Dynamics has submitted the game for a rating in North America.

With a rating now secure, it would appear that Marvel's Avengers is now content complete, even if it still has a months of bug squashing and polishing ahead before it's considered gold. However, the Entertainment Software Rating Board has passed judgement on the title, giving it an official rating of T for Teen for the North American region. As expected, the rating warns of foul language, mild blood, and violence.

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While this largely isn't surprising, the game's description does provide a bit of insight into the experience.

This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the roles of the Avengers battling an evil corporation. From a third-person perspective, players engage in a variety of combat missions using each character's weapons/abilities; characters use melee combat (e.g., punches, kicks, throws, smashes), pistols and machine guns, lasers, thrown projectiles (e.g., hammer, shield, rock) to defeat enemies. Combat can be frenetic, with frequent explosions, cries of pain, and gunfire. The word “sh*t” is heard in the game.


However, the rating also reveals that the game will come with in-game purchases, better known as microtransactions. This is another element which shouldn't be too surprising considering that both Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix have previously revealed that much of the post-launch content for the game such as new hero characters will be free. Studios can't survive on free, however, so a microtransaction store is the solution to keep things sustainable.

Unfortunately, it's unknown what sort of microtransactions will be offered and with a few months remaining before launch, those details likely have not been fully worked out yet. However, considering the game uses a gear and loot system, it's not hard to imagine the store offering customization options like skins, different color options, and other items which won't impact gameplay. In fact, official Avengers social channels confirmed as much last year, confirming that they'd be avoiding pay-to-win situations, leaving many to expect more cosmetic style items inside of the in-game shop.

Marvel's Avengers releases September 4th on PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: Marvel's Avengers: Who is A.I.M.?

Source: ESRB