Wolverine has a long and storied history in the Marvel universe. From comic books to movies to video games, the character has seen many different interpretations and evolutions over time that have helped to define his character. Some of these evolutions and iterations, however, have resulted in Logan getting some interesting new abilities to say the least.

As a Mutant, Wolverine was born with the ability to heal very quickly (which has an overarching effect on his body), produce sharp claws from his body, and use heightened senses not dissimilar from those of a wolf. These are his most famous abilities, but he's had plenty of others over the years that most people aren't aware of. Some of these are rather mundane, but others are just plain weird. Here are some of the weirdest powers Wolverine has had at one point or another throughout the character's history.

8 Night Vision

Wolverine close up

As a side effect of having a kind of super sight, Wolverine has occasionally been written as being able to see extremely clearly at night. This, however, is not something that wolverines can do in real life. In fact, wolverines are known to have rather poor vision but a great sense of smell.

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Regardless, Logan, as well as Sabertooth, have been given night vision in certain stories. For Wolverine though, it's not all that common for him to exhibit such an ability.

7 Communication With Animals

Logan and Wolves

Wolverine has always blurred the lines between man and beast. In fact, this conflict is a core aspect of his character and is something that he constantly has to deal with. That said, this conflict does have its upsides, one of them being how attuned he is with wild animals.

There are several instances of Logan living as a feral beast among certain groups of animals as if he is one of them. He is able to do this primarily because of his ability to understand and interact with the emotions of animals in the wild on a basic level.

6 Mental Scar Tissue


This one is less of a power and more of a byproduct of Wolverine's healing factor. One thing that Logan routinely suffers from over the course of his long life is his inability to remember parts of his past.

While some of this has to do with the various experiments that have been run on him over the years, a non-trivial percentage of Wolverine's lost memories is due to his healing factor actually erasing harmful memories from his mind. Sort of like built in therapy, this ability has undoubtedly helped to keep Logan sane throughout his multiple century long existence.

5 Superheated Claws


For a brief time, Wolverine gained the ability to heat his Adamantium claws via his supercharged healing factor and rage producing excess energy. This energy is transferred directly to the metal claws, causing them to glow red with heat.

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This was possible only after he had died and subsequently been resurrected by Persephone, which supercharged his existing mutant powers. Utilizing this power actually disrupts his ability to quickly heal like he usually does, due to the overuse of his healing factor in heating his claws in the first place.

4 Devolution into Feral Form


Wolverine is somewhat lucky that his Adamantium bones are poisonous and in constant conflict with his mutated healing factor. Otherwise, his supercharged metabolic process causes him to mutate into more of an animal than a man over time (or during fits of rage).

This is demonstrated after Magneto rips the Adamantium out of him during battle, allowing his healing factor to work at full strength without having to fight metallic poisoning. This fact of his biology makes Wolverine somewhat similar to Beast in that his mutation is progressive over time, though it isn't referenced much in modern comics.

3 Vampirism

Wolverine as a Vampire

Wolverine has gained (or become cursed with) the powers of a vampire in more than one story. Logan is not generally susceptible to vampirism in the main continuity (unless his healing factor is suppressed), however, some What If...? stories have seen him fall victim to it the same way everyone else does.

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In one story, Jubilee is able to turn Wolverine when biting him, though he was eventually cured after his healing factor was recharged by Cyclops. In another story, Wolverine straight up becomes a vampire king after violently killing Dracula himself.

2 Power of the Phoenix

Wolverine as the Phoenix

Logan is one of those characters who's just destined to be the last man standing no matter what. Nowhere is this more obvious than when he was chosen to be the new host for the Phoenix Force after every other human had been killed by Loki.

The Phoenix Force is a powerful alien entity that is known to grant its hosts godlike power. Wolverine would spend eons traveling the universe until he found Loki, who begged him go back in time and prevent all the damage he'd caused. Phoenix Wolverine is considered to be one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe.

1 Cosmic Zombie Abilities


Sometimes it isn't enough to be a zombie. One has to obtain godlike cosmic powers as well. After the zombie plague arrived on Earth-2149, Logan was eventually overwhelmed by the undead hoard and turned into a zombie like many of his comrades.

While devouring the Silver Surfer, Wolverine (along with several other former heroes) was somehow imbued with the Power Cosmic, allowing him to travel through space and time like never before. With this power, Logan would feed on countless planets throughout the universe as part of the Zombie Galacti.

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