
  • Wolverine's best allies and friends include Spider-Man, Deadpool, and Captain America. They have grown to tolerate each other, developed respect, and fought side by side, forming unbreakable bonds.
  • Wolverine forms close mentor-mentee relationships with Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, and Colossus. He teaches them how to fight and helps them develop into formidable fighters on the X-Men team.

While normally presented as a loner, Wolverine still managed to make a lot of friends during his time in the Marvel universe, whether it was in the comics, television, or films. He managed to make several friends in the X-Men but also worked well with other superheroes who didn't join the brigade of mutants.

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Marvel has made Logan a soldier, a secret agent, and a feral beast on top of being a mutant and superhero. Still, he has people who will do anything for him, and he will do anything for them. These are some of Wolverine's best allies and friends.

Updated March 12, 2024 by Blaise Santi: Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe are thrilled after the first trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine dropped during the Super Bowl last month. While only Wolverine's shadow appears, many cannot wait to see real-life friends Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman share the screen in this R-rated superhero buddy comedy. While the two mutants may only be reluctant friends on-screen, Wolverine has had many close pals in the comics, some of whom may surprise casual superhero fans. Not only are these additional confidantes of Wolverine below surprising, but now readers can also find specific comic book issues where these friendships are on display!

13 Nick Fury

Fury's A Powerful Friend To Keep

Nick Fury arguing with Logan in the comics
  • See: Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection, Uncanny X-Men #252

James Howlett and Nick Fury go way back, to around the time the future X-Men member met Captain America during World War II. Although they initially began as adversaries, they later become close allies, as evidenced by the 1989 graphic novel Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection and subsequent sequels following the two teaming up against criminal forces.

Compared to many other characters, Wolverine and Nick Fury seem to get along well enough when they work together, likely due to their similar attitudes and worldviews. Still, it's a rare charatcer who Wolverine implicitly trusts, and on several occasions he has relied on Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. to get him through tough missions.

12 Rogue

There Aren't Many Mutants Logan Would Sacrifice Himself For

Rogue and Wolverine on a mission in the comics
  • See: Uncanny X-Men #175, Uncanny X-Men #236

For a long-time member of the X-Men, Rogue and Wolverine didn't get off on a good foot, as he didn't trust her due to past affiliations with the Brotherhood of Mutants. A lot has had to transpire between the two before getting to a point where Wolverine would be willing to transfer over his healing factor to keep Rogue from dying.

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In fact, it was Rogue's selflessness in nearly sacrificing herself during a fight with Viper and Silver Samurai that warmed Logan to her. Since then, Logan has even become a father figure to Rogue. This dynamic is on full display in Fox's first X-Men movie, where Rogue and Logan meet on the road and become friends before joining Professor Xavier's school of mutants.

11 Mystique

Wolverine's Most Deceptive Heartbreaker

Mystique and Wolverine tied up
  • See: Sabretooth #3, Wolverine #62

Mystique is an unlikely ally to Wolverine, considering her typical loyalty to Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Yet on many occasions, the two have had to set aside their differences and fight together, such as during an encounter with Lord Deathstrike. At different times, Logan and Raven Darkhölme have even become romantically involved with each other.

However, Logan's affection for Raven may have been more implicit than even he would ever admit. During one of their first encounters, Wolverine actually saved her and brought her to Professor Xavier to join the X-Men, but she had a mental breakdown and disappeared. Their relationship may not have always been super healthy, but there was at one point real love between them.

10 Spider-Man

Marvel's Most Unlikely Superhero Team

Wolverine and Spiderman
  • See: Marvel Team-Up Annual #1, Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine #3

While Wolverine and Spider-Man started out hating each other, they would grow to tolerate each other before becoming close friends. Spider-Man's methods were too clean for Wolverine, and Wolverine's methods were too violent for Spider-Man. However, they found ways to work together when both joined the Avengers.

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Following the events of Civil War and the death of Captain America, the pair were both on the run from police and grew closer together as they kept each other out of trouble.

9 Deadpool

Hugh Jackman And Ryan Reynolds Have Lots To Work With

wolverine and deadpool fighting in issue 44
  • See: Wolverine #88, X-Men: Second Coming #2

"The Merc with the Mouth" has a similar story to Spider-Man for his Wolverine friendship. This is even though Deadpool owes his life to Wolverine. The Weapon X scientists used Wolverine's cells to stop the cancer that was killing Wade Wilson. Still, the pair didn't get along at first.

Eventually, Wolverine developed a respect for Wade's skills leading to a one-sided friendship for a while before they grew closer. When Wolverine formed his own team, Wade was one of the first people he called.

8 Captain America

Old War Pals Turned Superheroes

Wolverine and Captain America
  • See: Uncanny X-Men #268, Wolverine & Captain America: Weapon Plus #1

Wolverine's unique healing abilities make it difficult to understand how old he actually is, but what is known is that he had interactions with Captain America during World War 2. Depending on which continuity is used, they either were friendly from the start or started adversarial before becoming friendly because they were fighting for the same cause.

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In later years, the X-Men and Avengers would team up on occasion which would lead to more friendship and teamwork between Wolverine and Captain America. Fighting side by side with Cap made Wolverine appear more as a hero than just a fighter.

7 Jubilee

One Of Wolverine's Many Mutant Mentees

X-Men: The Animated Series Jubilee Beast Cyclops
  • See: Uncanny X-Men #244, Uncanny X-Men #251

In the later years of the X-Men, Wolverine took on more of a leadership role and would take some of the younger mutants under his wing to help them develop with the team. One of the closest mentor-mentee bonds he formed was with Jubilee. She immediately gravitated to Wolverine, and he took to her as well.

At times, the pair seemed to be inseparable as he taught her the ropes of being a part of the X-Men. He trained her to be a hero, and she took those lessons allowing her to become a mentor to others when she got older. These two always had each other's backs.

6 Kitty Pryde

Logan Will Always Answer Her Call

  • See: Kitty Pryde & Wolverine #6, Uncanny X-Men #129

Much like Jubilee, Kitty Pryde is a younger mutant whom Wolverine takes under his wing after he has transitioned into a leadership role with the X-Men. This led to an adversarial relationship between Jubilee and Kitty Pryde, at first, due to Jubilee's jealousy of Wolverine having a similar relationship with someone else.

Still, Wolverine taught Kitty Pryde how to fight, training her to be one of the most formidable fighters on the team. While it started as a mentor/mentee relationship, they eventually developed into equals.

5 Colossus

Not Many Can Overshadow Wolverine PhysicallyColossus-x-men-movie Cropped

  • See: Giant-Size X-Men #1, Uncanny X-Men #390

While Wolverine and Colossus didn't become friends quickly, they did develop a begrudging respect that became a close friendship over time, in part due to how strong they are. As Logan and Peter battled many of Magneto's minions over the years, Wolverine finally decided to give the younger Colossus a chance.

At one point, their friendship was damaged when Colossus joined Magneto while grieving the loss of his family. However, despite a time of bitterness, they were able to recover their friendship when they were back on the same side.

4 Storm

Sometimes Work Relationships Can Go WellWolverine and Storm

  • See: X-Men #94, X-Treme X-Men #19

Wolverine has a bad boy potential that makes a lot of women want to be with him, but his close friendship with Storm was built differently. While they did eventually become romantic, they were always close friends who saw each other as equals, whether they were together or not.

This is despite the fact that Wolverine knows that Storm can best him in a fight. She cares about him and treats him as her equal, and he does the same out of respect. These two have been in the trenches together and come out of it with love and respect for one another.

3 Nightcrawler

Nothing Beats The Banter Between These MutantsNightcrawler In The X-Men Movies

  • See: Uncanny X-Men Annual #4, Amazing X-Men #4

Wolverine has a wonderful friendship with Kurt Wagner who in the Munich circus was known as "the amazing Nightcrawler." Both joined the X-Men in the second iteration of the team in an effort to save the original iteration. Logan may call Kurt a misfit and mock his appearance, but they had a lot in common and the nicknames and mocking became the banter between friends

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Wolverine likes to train alone, however, Logan began to appreciate any training sessions he had with Kurt. Nightcrawler may look like a monster but has the soul of a man. Meanwhile, Logan looked like a man with a monster on the inside.

2 Professor X

Logan's Closest Confidante In The X-Menprofessor x marvel x men

  • See: Giant-Size X-Men #1, House of X #1

Professor Charles Xavier took a chance on Wolverine as a member of the X-Men when it wasn't required. Wolverine had already served with Alpha Flight but had no memory of the past when Professor X brought him into the team. The professor helped Wolverine overcome his past demons and gave Logan a family.

While Professor X has done his own shady acts over the years, Wolverine still backs the Professor as a just and honest man and fighter. Wolverine was always there when Professor X needed some muscle.

1 Jean Grey

It Was Love At First Sight For LoganX-Men Jean Grey Death

  • See: Classic X-Men #1, Uncanny X-Men #98

Wolverine has been in love with Jean Grey since they first met. While she doesn't reciprocate a romantic love at first, she does love him as a friend and teammate before falling in love with him as well. She was the ideal woman for him, and he was the bad boy she didn't experience with Cyclops.

Wolverine and Jean Grey would walk through Hell for each other. They have an unbreakable bond whether they are close friends or something more.

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