Only a couple of days ago, Marvel Games' official Twitter account changed its logo, replacing one of the As with the number 4, leading many to suspect this is a tease for some upcoming Fantastic Four project, alongside the plethora of other titles Marvel has in the works. However, another theory has since been brought up and it suggests that this could actually be heralding a title certain fighting game fans are hungry for - Marvel vs. Capcom 4.

While 2017 did see the release of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, a highly anticipated title that saw characters from both companies' expansive libraries exchanging fisticuffs, it was subjected to a number of criticisms regarding its bland aesthetics, disappointing character roster, and mediocre story mode. It wasn't helped by a lot of behind-the-scenes meddling, like Marvel and Disney ensuring that none of the promotional material showed the Marvel characters getting beaten up. If there were any plans to continue support for the title, they very much came to an end after the last batch of DLC characters were released, resulting in an early death for the game.

However, in 2018, an insider named DasVergeben, who has been known to provide accurate leaks and information for certain titles, claimed that Marvel and Capcom are planning to completely overhaul Infinite and re-brand it as Marvel vs Capcom 4.

In a Reddit post, they wrote, "I do not know what that could mean for the game itself and the changes, but it will be a complete re-branding effort to make people forget that MvCI existed. They are rinsing the shame of that away.”


Of course, this news should not be taken as gospel, as there has yet to be any sort of formal announcement from either Marvel or Capcom. But with many fearing that the Marvel vs. Capcom franchise is now dead in the water, a re-release that aims to provide more of what fans wanted to begin with would do wonders and could very much make up for Infinite's poor performance.

Even without this hypothetical title, the future's still looking pretty bright for Marvel Games, with another old series, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, being revived this year with a third game exclusive to the Switch subtitled The Black Order. There's also the still-mysterious Avengers project being developed by Square Enix, though the director hopes to reveal some details "when the time is right."

Marvel vs. Capcom 4 is rumored to be in development for unspecified consoles.

Source: GameRevolution, Reddit