Marvel Comics has such a long history with Skrulls that it is no surprise they’re finally getting a bigger role with the MCU's Secret Invasion, a six-part television event. The Skrulls have been engaged in multiple Secret Invasion events on the pages of Marvel Comics in the past, and during that time, readers have been able to see some truly powerful beings among them.

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As seen during Marvel’s Secret Invasion, the Skrulls have a history of being transformed, though not often by themselves, to become more powerful. Super Skrulls have been seen a lot in Marvel Comics, and sometimes there are even more dangerous Skrulls than those with mere superpowers or those who have transformed into Avengers with powers.

7 Queen Veranke

Marvel Skrull Queen Veranke

The Skrull who became Queen and ordered the Secret Invasion in Marvel Comics, Veranke was not only in charge of the war from the Skrull side in the original version of the story now being told on Disney Plus, but she also gained the powers of Spider-Woman in addition to already being an exceptionally strong Skrull.

These abilities included shots of venom that could kill opponents, and Veranke’s natural strengths and amazing ability to go undetected while transformed by even some of the Marvel Universe’s brightest heroes was a sign of just how strong she is mentally as well as physically. Veranke is a tough opponent who led the Skrulls in some of their most vital moments as a species.

6 Sinister Six Skrull

Marvel Skrull Sinister Six

There have been a variety of Skrulls in Marvel Comics over the years who pick up a variety of both superhero and supervillain powers after transforming into those heroes and villains. The Sinister Six Skrull is exactly what it sounds like, a Skrull who picked up the powers of six Spider-Man villains and acted as the infamous Sinister Six cabal all in one body.

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During Secret Invasion, this Skrull managed to gain the powers of Venom, Hydroman, Sandman, Rhino, Electro, and Lizard all at once. This allowed him to become one of the most powerful Skrulls ever seen, and he challenged heroes like Spider-Man and Jackpot as the war between humans and Skrulls raged onward.

5 Paibok

Marvel Skrull Paibok

An old-school Skrull who has been around since long before the original Secret Invasion, Paibok troubled The Fantastic Four under the guise of the “Power Skrull” in the early days of Marvel Comics. Back then, it was especially impressive to see a Skrull, or any being, with a power set such as his.

Paibok was able to freeze air, generating ice wherever he wanted, and he could make his body take on the composition of any metal. Those sorts of powers are right out of the X-Men, with Iceman and Colossus being two of the most powerful among their number. Add those powers to a shape-shifting being with huge strength already, and something extremely deadly is created.

4 Kl’rt

Marvel Skrull Kl'rt

The original Super Skrull, Kl’rt was also a Fantastic Four villain who introduced the idea of Skrulls stealing powers from heroes. Kl’rt was a genetically engineered Skrull who had been created with the capability to mimic the superpowers of all four Fantastic Four members, simultaneously, though that team hasn't appeared yet in the MCU.

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This gave him the ability to easily defeat the team, and quite possibly most other Marvel heroes as well. These powers working in tandem, and from a being who was trained with the sole intent of being able to use these powers against their owners, made for another hugely dangerous foe from the ranks of the Skrulls.

3 Khn’nr

Marvel Skrull Khn'nr

Most Skrulls gain powers after transforming into other beings, probably meaning that they aren’t as powerful as those beings themselves, or at least don’t understand how to use their powers as well as the beings that have always had them. However, Khn’nr was genetically engineered by the Skrulls to have the powers of the original Captain Marvel.

This Skrull was therefore able to fly faster than light, had control of huge volumes of cosmic energy which could be unleashed against foes, and was not far off being omnipotent. Adding all that to a Skrull, which are already powerful creatures, makes for a devastatingly powerful being that posed a huge threat to the Marvel heroes.

2 Hulkling

Marvel Skrull Hulkling

One of the few beings who can garner the kind of power that Khn’nr had with the strength of the original Captain Marvel is the actual son of the original Captain Marvel. Hulkling was the son of Mar-Vell, a Kree warrior, and Anelle, a Skrull Princess. Having the background of both races, not to mention a power surpassing both, made him ridiculously powerful.

A member of the Young Avengers often, Hulkling has no relation to Hulk but may be able to challenge that being to a fight given how strong he is, and that was before he became the Emperor of both the Kree and the Skrulls, which earned him the right to carry Excelsior, a sword with unlimited cosmic energy.

1 Kly’bn

Marvel Skrull Kly'bn

There is a Skrull, only one, who is an Eternal. Kly’bn is immortal, and has proven that before, and has also proven that he holds the power of Gods within him. Standing toe to toe with Hercules, beating and even killing some of Earth’s Eternals, proving him to be strong even among their number, Kly’bn is regarded by many Skrulls as a God.

This surely makes him the most powerful Skrull ever to have lived. With the capability of taking power from even more heroes, he could become one of the most powerful beings in the entire Marvel Universe. This dangerous figure remains unlikely to appear in the MCU, but his presence could shake things up a great deal.

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