
  • War Machine is expected to reshape Marvel Snap's meta, with potential to disrupt current deck archetypes.
  • War Machine's stats and ability make it a strong turn-4 drop, allowing for strategic plays and countering lockdown decks.
  • The Avengers vs X-Men season of Marvel Snap brings not only new cards but also changes to core gameplay dynamics.

Marvel Snap's Avengers vs X-Men season is set to introduce a variety of new cards that will likely bring unique and potentially meta-defining abilities. Out of all the new cards being added this season, which include some exciting additions like Hope Summers, Pixie, Mockingbird, and Cannonball, War Machine has the greatest potential to reshape the Marvel Snap meta. Players are already preparing decks around War Machine in anticipation of the new play style the card is theorized to bring, making it one of the most exciting Marvel Snap additions in a while.

In addition to several new cards, the Avengers vs X-Men season of Marvel Snap is shaking up several other aspects of the game. The Season Pass for this season includes a new emote for the first time, giving players an easier way of obtaining a new emote than trying to complete one of Marvel Snap's Albums, and the game is preparing to introduce a new clan system in the near future. However, Marvel Snap's core gameplay is in for the biggest change during the Avengers vs X-Men season if War Machine does have the meta impact it is predicted to.

Marvel Snap 2024 Development Roadmap Explained

It seems like Marvel Snap has a big year in store for fans in 2024, as the roadmap of content released by Second Dinner has some exciting additions.

War Machine Has the Potential to Dominate the Marvel Snap Meta

After a season that added several tools to Marvel Snap's discard archetype, the meta is once again set to see a dramatic shift in anticipation of the new strategies that War Machine will bring to the table. While discard, destroy, and lockdown decks have been at the top of Marvel Snap's meta for quite some time, War Machine is set to provide a solid alternative to those archetypes that might result in their declining usage. As such, players are already preparing for War Machine's release later this month by predicting potential synergies that could form the basis of a new archetype.

War Machine Stats






On Reveal: Until the end of next turn, nothing can stop you from playing cards anywhere.

It's clear from this stat spread and On Reveal ability that War Machine has a lot of good things going for it. A Cost of 4 makes it a prime candidate to use with Zabu to reduce its Cost by 1, and a Power of 6 makes War Machine on par with another popular staple card, Iron Lad. However, the biggest boon War Machine offers players is its incredible ability, which allows them to play any card the following turn without worrying about restrictions placed on them by card or location abilities.

War Machine's ability essentially turns every card played the following turn into Jeff, who has been one of the best cards in Marvel Snap up to this point. Jeff is a 2-Cost/3-Power card that can be played at any location regardless of restrictions like the location being Flooded or being locked down by Professor X's ability and can move locations once per match. Now that War Machine will allow any card to potentially circumvent these restrictions, Jeff may become somewhat outclassed in many of the decks he's used in.

With the ability to play cards without restriction on the following turn, War Machine will be the perfect turn-4 drop to play on a location like Kyln or in anticipation of a turn-5 Professor X from an opponent. Lockdown decks have been incrementally nerfed over the past few seasons due to changes to cards like Professor X and America Chavez, and the addition of War Machine will further hinder their usage. Developer Second Dinner has also confirmed that War Machine's ability removes playing restrictions imposed on cards by their own abilities as well, meaning playing the card on turn 5 allows players to drop The Infinaut on turn 6 without having to skip a turn.