After multiple changes to Thanos throughout Marvel Snap’s 24 seasons, the 25th season introduces yet another revamped version of him, now with reworked Infinity Stones. The Celestials' Finest season alters Thanos’ Stones to better align with his passive ability, which encourages players to use all six Stones. This guide explains these changes and their potential impact on the META. Additionally, it suggests a deck to try out with the reworked Thanos — despite the Spider-Ham threat lurking in the background.

Marvel Snap: Best Sasquatch Deck

Sasquatch may not be as good as Mockingbird, but he can be impressively destructive with this META deck in Marvel Snap.

All Changes To Thanos In Celestials' Finest Season

Thanos in marvel snap

With the June 4 update of Marvel Snap, five of Thanos’ six Infinity Stones were reworked. The new texts on these cards now focus more on Thanos rather than on deck — or board-wide effects. The only unchanged Stone is the Power Stone, which still functions as before. The biggest change is to the Space Stone, which now allows Thanos to act like a Jeff-like card, moving without restrictions.

The following list details every change to Thanos’ Stone cards:

  • Mind Stone: Now draws two Stone cards On Reveal. Previously, it drew two random 1-Cost cards from the deck.
  • Reality Stone: Replaces the location with a new one without drawing a card. (Previously, it transformed the location and drew a card.)
  • Soul Stone: Now has both an On Reveal and an Ongoing effect. Upon playing Soul Stone, the player draws a card. After that, Thanos becomes indestructible, immune to discard and destroy effects. (Previously, it gave all enemy cards at its location -1 Power.)
  • Space Stone: Now has a double effect. The On Reveal effect draws a card, while the Ongoing effect allows Thanos to be played and moved to any location regardless of board conditions. (Previously, it drew a card and allowed one card to move to its location.)
  • Time Stone: Now gives Thanos -1 Power immediately in exchange for drawing a card. (Previously, the debuff occurred in the next round.)
  • Power Stone: The only unchanged Stone card. It still gives Thanos +10 Power if all six Infinity Stones are on the board.

The Reason Behind Thanos’ Rework In Marvel Snap

marvel snap thanos decks

According to the developers, Thanos had veered off track, becoming a shell for ramp decks. The metagame used Thanos' Stones for utility effects that supported other archetypes without emphasizing Thanos himself. He was just a gateway to access the 1-Cost Stone cards. Marvel Snap aims to change that with June’s rework, aligned with The Celestials’ Finest.

The new Stone cards are designed to encourage a Thanos-first strategy. However, with cards like Gilgamesh entering the META, achieving this goal is questionable. Currently, playing three to four Infinity Stones with Blue Marvel and Gilgamesh seems more effective than using all six Stones. This might keep Thanos in his secondary role. Of course, the metagame needs time to adapt to this rework and determine its effectiveness.

Best Deck To Try With The Thanos Rework

gilgamesh in marvel snap.

Currently, a META deck with Gilgamesh and Blue Marvel seems ideal for the reworked Thanos. Players can include cards like Ka-Zar, Armor, Sasquatch, and Mockingbird for added consistency. The strategy with the new Thanos should focus on maximizing draws and utilizing on-board 1-Cost cards. Blue Marvel’s effect can provide a significant buff to Gilgamesh by using cheap drops like the Stones themselves.

However, players should note that Spider-Ham is a reliable counter to Thanos, turning him into a Pig without any margin for error. This is because Thanos is always the leftmost card in the player’s hand, and Spider-Ham targets that spot.

The threat Spider-Ham poses to Thanos' decks is so significant that Marvel Snap developers have promised to make further changes to Spider-Ham if necessary.